Guitarist Michael LeVeque performed outdoors at Ambiance by the Sea during the July Art Walk.

Small paintings by Erin Brumage hang from a driftwood tree at Ambiance by the Sea.

Erin Brumage with one of her seascapes at Ambiance by the Sea. Erin's work can also be seen at Manley Art Center this month and her painting of a Coast Guard vessel is part of the summerlong Art at the Port Art Exhibition at the Port of Brookings Harbor.

Artist Susan Harding chatting with Art Walk visitors at Ambiance by the Sea during Art Walk.

Pete Chasar introduced the Pelican Bay Arts Association Writers Group at Manley Art Center. The group leader, Guia Heigert, talked about the group and their projects.
The group has just published a book called "Out of Our Minds", and includes short stories by seven writers. The book is available at Manley Art Center for $10 and ALL proceeds go to a scholarship fund for future writers.
Some of the writers chose a painting as a take off point and created stories that were inspired by the paintings. Others created stories incorporating a list of required words in the story. During Art Walk three of the writers read their stories - all were entertaining and enjoyable.

Matt Brumage read a story that was inspired by this painting by his wife, Erin Brumage.

Pat Malone read a story inspired by a drawing of her canine best friend (picture behind Pat).

Mary Ann Antennuchi gave an animated performance.

Guests enjoying the gallery at Manley Art Center during the July Art Walk.

Jazmine Blu melts glass sticks to create sculptures in a specially built viewing area at Forecastle Books and Gallery.

Spectators wear special glasses to reduce the brightness of the flame while watching Jazmine Blu sculpt glass at Forecastle Books and Gallery.

Lon Goddard, back from a trip to England, performs at the Curry Democrats Headquarters.

Alisa Green, left, talks about the short film "Whiskey Floats" at the Wild Rivers Film Festival Headquarters.

The eclectic art of Phyllis Earls - Arist of the Month at Brian Scott Gallery.

Larry Fries and Toni Land provide musical entertainment at Brian Scott Gallery.

Michele Bubert and Marie Curtis welcomed Art Walkers to the newly refurbished Chamber of Commerce offices. This is the newest venue for the Art Walk and is located downstairs in the Central Building. While the address of the Central Building is Chetco Avenue, the entrance to the Chamber offices is on Wharf Street (across the street from Oxenfre Public House).

The museum next to the Chamber offices was featured for the July Art Walk.

Ellen Babin looks at artifacts in the Curry County Chamber's museum.

Marie Curtis shows off the mysterious old vault next to the museum. For future Art Walks the Chamber plans to invite local artists to display their work and greet Art Walkers.

Theresa Herninko, center, chats with an Art Walk visitor at her show at Semi Aquatic Gallery.

Gabriel Casis performed on the keyboard at Semi Aquatic Gallery during the July Art Walk.

Theresa Herninko with a collection of her art at Semi Aquatic Gallery that she has worked on since last November.
Photos by Bill Schlichting and Nola Range.