Photos by Bill Schlichting and Nola Range.
Brian Scott Gallery celebrated Mothers Day with flowers, balloons, and art by Phyllis Earles.
Christina Olsen interviewed artist Phyllis Earles at Brian Scott Gallery.
Art Walk Founder Horst Wolf personalizes a painting at Brian Scott Gallery.
Analisa Sweeten was given a personalized, autographed drawing by Horst Wolf at Brian Scott Gallery.
Don Beckner entertained at Brian Scott Gallery.
Paula Edwards served beverages beside a display of paintings by Artist of the Month Phyllis Earles.
David Christie, the Working Mouse, created a four-foot-tall 8-bit tile art piece which is on display at Whimsical Griffin.
A spectator admires the work of the late Jay Hannah at Forecastle Books and Gallery.
Ken Dobberpuhl provides musical entertainment at Kim's Garden Party.
Judi Angel shows a finished drawing and an incomplete drawing showing the nature of Neurographic Art at Kim's Garden Party.
Judi Angel creates Neurographic Art using a Sharpie to draw lines on paper. The lines are drawn in random directions. Later consistent shapes are added before the spaces between the lines are colored.
Toni Land and Kim Devine sing a duet at Ambiance by the Sea. Devine is owner of Kim's Garden Party which featured artist Judi Angel.
Pauline Lodolini from Crescent City is offering her paintings at Ambiance by the Sea. She paints from photographs that she has taken on trips to numerous parts of the world.
More paintings by Pauline Lodolini at Ambiance by the Sea.
Susan Brickley shows a painting by Pauline Lodolini at Ambiance by the Sea during the May Art Walk.
Wood boxes created by Randy Pearson on display at Semi Aquatic Gallery.
John Canalin covers Peter Frampton songs on ukulele at Semi Aquatic Gallery.
Lon Goddard provides musical entertainment at Manley Art Center
Manley Art Center Gallery Director Stacey Reynolds at the May Art Walk.
A crowd gathered at Manley Art Center to see new work by artist Dana Bilellow-Barrow.
Pete Chasar interviews Dana Bilello-Barrow, featured painter and sculptor at Manley Art Center.
Dana's alcohol ink paintings reflect the same fluid lines of her clay art.
You can see Dana Bilello-Barrows' work at Manley Art Center during the month of May.
Sherry Day served beverages while Lon Goddard strummed his guitar at Manley Art Center.
During the Art Walk the Mudslingers were at work in the classroom on pieces for a new totem. Jenny Dwaileebe is working on a steam punk turtle.
This steam punk totem by the Manley Mudslingers will be sold by silent auction at the Azalea Festival Art Show at the Azalea Middle School on Memorial Day Weekend. The sale will benefit the ceramic art program at Manley Art Center. You may preview it any time at the Manley Art Center Gallery - open Tuesday through Saturday from 11 to 4.