Easter weekend Art Walk. Ambiance by the Sea celebrated.
Laura Duvall shows her sea glass pottery and beads at Ambiance by the Sea.
Gold Beach artist Sharon Guinn is showing at Ambiance by the Sea this month.
Susan Harding's blue whale at Ambiance by the Sea.
Semi Aquatic Gallery has a new look!
Spencer Reynolds with an Art Walk guest. In the center is Spencer's latest work - a departure from his usual style.
Lon Goddard entertained at the grand reopening of Semi Aquatic Gallery.
Lee Payne, owner of Seaside Silver Jewelry and Sintered Soul, shows her creations at Semi Aquatic Gallery.
Chris Vorster demonstrated how to play a Kalimba at Kim's Garden Party.
Kalimbas, also known as finger pianos, made by Chris Vorster, were shown at Kim's Garden Party.
Steve Nelson on guitar at Kim's Garden Party.
Christina Olsen and Jane Opiat are Artists of the Month at Brian Scott Gallery.
During their talk at Brian Scott Gallery Christina Olsen wore a shirt painted with one of her designs and fiber artist Jane Opiat wore a poncho she made on her loom and showed off her very first oil painting.
Jane at her loom in Brian Scott Gallery.
Christina Olsen with her paintings and Jane Opiat's scarves behind her on the wall.
Shirley Hyatt and Dan Hannum entertained at Brian Scott Gallery.
Whose Shoes? Hint - she plays a stringed instrument at most Art Walks.
Dessert at Brian Scott Gallery - a cake celebrating the birthdays of Jane Opiat, Paula Edwards, Blais (Christina's star pupil who is now 13!) and Pete Chasar.
Manley Art Center Director Stacey Reynolds with a display of art by the late Jay Mosby. A supposed package of watercolor paper purchased at a yard sale was actually a gold mine of Jay Mosby art. The art was delivered to Manley Art Center and hung unframed. These paintings don't need frames to impress.
John Marshall plays guitar at Manley Art Center.
Pete Chasar talks about the life of Jay Mosby, featured artist at Manley Art Center, during the opening reception held in conjunction with the Second Saturday Art Walk and audience members shared their memories of Jay.
VIsit Manley Art Center during April to see this amazing collection of Jay's paintings.
Photos by Bill Schlichting and Nola Range. Thanks to all the Art Walk venues, artists and musicians!
The next Brookings Second Saturday Art Walk will be held on Saturday, May 13 from 3 to 6 pm.