A momentous announcement was made by PBAA President Chaney Delaire at Manley Art Center during the November Art Walk. The Azalea Festival Art Show, which has been cancelled for the past two years due to pandemic conditions, will return in 2023! This show has been an integral part of the Azalea Festival since 1956 and never missed a year until now. Even when the Azalea Festival itself was once cancelled during the 1960s, PBAA held the annual Art Show. Artists in the community are invited to enter this judged show and any member of the community who would like to help with the show can call Manley Art Center at 541-469-1807 for more information.

Pete Chasar, the charming guy who usually interviews the Featured Artist at Manley Art Center during the Art Walk, is himself the Featured Artist this month.

All seats were taken and the standing crowd filled all the space and spilled out the door.

Pete gave a brief talk and then asked the crowd to interview him. One of the questions got quite a laugh.

Pete was asked about the significance of his work and replied that his work is not political but is a reflection of things that interest and inspire him. Pete usually asks Featured Artists which painting in the show is their favorite. Pete was asked the same question and had an easy answer - his favorite is the picture he painted 20 years ago from a 1966 photo of his wife Diana at the Jersey Shore (far right in photo). It really is a wonderful painting - you can see it and the entire show at Manley Art Center - 411 Oak Street, open Tues - Sat 11 am to 4 pm.

Ken Dobberpuhl on guitar at Manley Art Center.
Amanda poured beverages for guests at Manley Art Center.

Across the street from Manley Art Center, at Kim's Garden Party, Musician Rapp Brush took a break with shop owner Kim Devine and visitor Susan Brickley.

Animal art by Bev Mullins is on display at Kim's Garden Party.

At Forecastle Books & Gallery, Elisa Raney shows her photos of birds in Fright.

Alyssa Babin shows her handmade scented candles at a. ell atelier.

Susan Harding shows a mermaid painting at Ambiance by the Sea. Most of her acrylic paintings on canvas and wood are beach themed.

Art Walk founder Horst Wolf was feted with cake, candles and wine at Brian Scott Gallery.

Dorothy and John Marshall offered musical entertainment at Brian Scott Gallery during Art Walk.

Christina Olson interviewed Brian Scott Gallery's Featured Artists, Rhonda Seymoure and Randy Warren, who are displaying clay and ceramic sculptures.

Another full house at Brian Scott Gallery.

Look who is stealing the show...

That looks yummy -- WAS YUMMY!

Ever the party animal, Horst joined in singing Happy Birthday to himself.

and couldn't wait for a fork to dig into that gorgeous cake.

The Second Saturday Art Walk in Downtown Brookings has been a popular tradition since 2004. Brian Scott Gallery and Manley Art Center were two of the first four venues on the Art Walk and they continue to be popular attractions today.
Thank you to all the venues, artists and musicians who make Brookings and the Brookings Second Saturday Art Walk a real joy.
Photos by Bill Schlichting and Nola Range.