August Art Walk Photos by Bill Schlichting and Nola Range.
Forecastle Fine Art Gallery is showing woodworks by Dave Jenkins and Randy Pearson along with photos by Matte Hanna.
553 Chetco Avenue in Brookings
Kim's Garden Party featured music by Alyssa Babin and Rachel Demski.
At Kim's Garden Party Alyssa Babin demonstrated candle making. Here she is preparing to add fragrance to melted wax before pouring it into molds.
You can see a variety of Alyssa's scented and decorated candles at Kim's Garden Party.
301 Oak Street in Brookings.
Dale Wells was the featured artist at Ambiance by the Sea.
530 Hemlock Street in Brookings.
Dale is a big fan of vintage cars and often paints them.
Dale Wells at Ambiance by the Sea with his colorful watercolors.
The featured Artist for August at Brian Scott Gallery is Laura Wiens.
515 Chetco Avenue in Brookings
Laura Wiens was interviewed by Pete Chasar and here she is showing one of her small oils of Hawaii.
Ken Dobberpuhl and John Marshall performed together at Brian Scott Gallery during the August Art Walk.
Art Walk founder Horst Wolf made a visit to Brian Scott Gallery atter a long absence and chatted with friends. The Art Walk began in 2004 with four galleries participating.
Tom Moody, who describes his art as "eclectic" is Manley Art Center's August Featured Artist. He was interviewed by Pete Chasar during the Art Walk.
Tom Moody's interview drew a crowd to Manley Art Center.
Tom answered questions about a dinosaur he created.
More of Tom Moody's art can be seen all month at Manley Art Center.
Tom has been a member of Pelican Bay Arts Association since the 1990s.
Maryjane Carlson of Pelican Bay Arts Association's Mudslingers pottery group applies glaze to her work in the classroom at Manley Art Center during the Art Walk. Maryjane has also been a member of PBAA since the 1990s and has taught pottery classes there for many years.
John Canalin provided musical entertainment at Manley Art Center during the Art Walk.
Manley Art Center is located at 433 Oak Street in Brookings and is open Monday through Saturday from 11 am to 4 pm.
Thanks to all the artists, venues and musicians who participated in the August Art Walk and to Bill Schlichting for organizing the Art Walk and preparing the flyer and guide to each event.