Curry County Cultural Coalition’s (CCCC) annual grant cycle for amounts up to $1,000 is now underway and accepting applications through Oct. 15.
If your nonprofit organization is planning an event or project for 2022 that will promote, preserve or enhance the arts, heritage or humanities in Curry County, financial help may be available. Funding can be used for:
* Producing or promoting art: painting, sculpture, ceramics, textile art, music, drama, or writing
* Heritage: promoting history and culture of a community, including museums and preservation projects
*Humanities: includes all of the above plus libraries, events and studies in philosophy or history
CCCC has provided more than $125,000 in funding to local projects over the past 15 years. Projects and programs throughout the county are supported through funding provided by the Oregon Cultural Trust (OCT). Oregon Cultural Trust funds are generated through direct donations, the sales of Cultural Heritage license plates, and individual state tax credits. One third of the money that the OCT grants each year is distributed among the local coalitions.
According to the OCT’s website, Oregon has 45 county and tribal Cultural Coalitions that are funded directly by the Trust. Each coalition receives a base grant plus additional funds based on population. With local autonomy, the coalitions involve the community in creating, sharing, documenting, celebrating and developing their cultural identity — a critical part of preserving our state’s cultural character.
To learn more about CCCC’s local grant funding program and download the application, visit the Coalition’s web page at Applications must be complete and received by Oct. 15 to be considered. Funding awards will be announced in early November.
In 2021, projects funded were:
- $1,000 to Gold Beach High School/Riley Creek Schools for art supplies for students
- $1,000 to Pelican Bay Arts Association for website and IT upgrades for pandemic
- $1,000 to Port Orford Public Library for Community Helpers & Heroes art project
- $1,000 to Pelican Bay Arts Association for Art at the Port Outdoor exhibition
- $1,000 to Wild Rivers Coast Foundation for Dance for Spring 2021 Production: Be the Change
- $1,000 to Riley Creek School Music Department for sheet music, instruments and repairs
- $1,000 to Curry County Library Network to provide a joint literary program on diversity, equity and inclusion for Curry County libraries
- $1,000 to Pelican Bay Arts Association (PBAA) for Festival of Art in the Park to cover expenses to expand to Azalea Park from its former site at Stout Park to provide better social distancing
- $550 to the Gold Beach Community Center for an entrance mural that highlights the history and culture of Gold Beach
- $550 to Curry Arts for an indoor mural at the Event Center on the Beach to be painted by local artists
- $500 PBAA to expand the organization’s children’s art program to provide free classes for third graders at Kalmiopsis Elementary
- $500 Friends of the Langlois Library for a community celebration, including an ice cream social and South Coast Folk Society Open Band performance
- $500 to Harmony and Me for online Zoom music classes for individuals with varying physical, developmental, social and cultural differences
- $500 to Pacific High School for additional student art materials because supplies cannot be shared due to COVID
- $350 to Curry County Fairgrounds/Event Center on the Beach to create a display of blueprints, photos, programs and awards to showcase the history of the fairgrounds
- $300 to Brookings Events, Arts & Concert Hall (BEACH) towards a feasibility study for a performance and arts venue
- $300 to Curry County Historical Society for deferred maintenance projects
- $250 to Brookings Harbor Christian School for purchase instruments for music appreciation
- $200 to Brookings Harbor Education Foundation for art easels for the Kalmiopsis