The Chetco Community Library hosted two events during the September Art Walk.

Poetry Slam began at 3 pm.

Billie Ruth Furuichi recited her own poetry.

Shirley Hyatt read a truly hilarious poem she came across years ago.

Dan Sherman delighted listeners with his poem and many more poets took the stage.

Members of the Chetco Pelican Players gave a preview performance of Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.

Tickets to Sweeney Todd are available for September 14 to 30. Phone 541-661-4237 or go to http://www.chetcopelicanplayers.com/site/

Robert Kosslyn on guitar at Manley Art Center where you can see a wonderful display of work by the Columbia Fiber Arts Guild during the month of September.

Members of the Columbia Fiber Arts Guild came to the September Art Walk and discussed their work with the audience.

Russian Artist Yevgeniy Zolotsev impressed the audience at Wright's with two watercolor demonstrations during the September Art Walk.

With a flourish of brushes, a spray bottle, and a hair dryer...

Zolotsev quickly took a blank piece of paper and created a lovely, expressive landscape.

Still wet... the latest Zolotsev watercolor created at Wright's during the September Art Walk.

Gold Beach artist and musician, Sharon Guinn, performed at Wright's during the Art Walk.

A cake to celebrate Wright's Tenth Anniversary in Brookings.

Dale Wells discussing his latest work in progress at Wright's.

Tiffany Lopez is this month's Featured Artist at Wright's.

At Feather Your Nest, Tina Kirkpatrick, maker of handmade soaps was the featured artist.

Rapp Brush on guitar at Feather Your Nest.

Debra Wells of Ambiance by the Sea shows a work of intarsia by Michael Noonan.

More of Michael Noonan's intarsia at Ambiance by the Sea.

Sea life paintings by Brian Gibbons are also currently available at Ambiance by the Sea.

Painting by BT Gibbons is displayed with other sea treasurers.

Spencer Reynolds and his latest works in progress at Semi Aquatic Gallery.

Lon Goddard entertained at Brian Scott and Signatures Gallery.
Pete Chasar gave an impromptu talk at Brian Scott Gallery... which, as it was not included on the program, we missed.
We heard it was very good.
This month's Art Walk Report honors Audi Stanton... who has been a star of the Art Walk since its inception. Audi has moved to southern California where she can visit with family more often.

At a going away party, Audi was presented with a gift from friends... a copy of the Art Walk photo history book.

Best Wishes Audi!
Brookings already misses you.
Art Walk photos by Nola Range and Ann Ostrowski.
Thanks to all the venues, artists and musicians of the September Art Walk.