The "Mudslingers" held a tea party at Manley Art Center during the May Artwalk, both indoors and outside. It was a gorgeous spring day and the new treeless garden was in full bloom... actually small trees have already been planted to replace the failing and aging ones that were recently removed.

Tea pots and cups by the Mudslinger Pottery Group were featured in the gallery at Manley Art Center. That's Robert Kosslyn on guitar - way in the back.

A delicious assortment of tea sandwiches was served.

And what is a tea party without scrumptuous finger desserts...
Brian Childers poured red and white beverages at the bar.

PBAA President Mike Dwaileebe and Vice President Karen Harris enjoying the full house at Manley Art Center during the May Art Walk.

The theme at Manley Art Center this month is "Texture". You can see these and more pieces of textured art on display and for sale in the gallery.

The Manley Art Center Classroom is also filled with PBAA members' art for sale.
Manley Art Center is located at 433 Oak Street in Brookings and is open Tuesday through Sunday from 11 to 4.

Mrs. Shanon's 4th grade students at Kalmiopsis Elementary School were assigned to either copy a painting by a famous master or make a new painting in the master's style. Their work was displayed at Semi Aquatic Gallery during the May Art Walk.

Some of the students at the Art Walk... OK art history buffs, which master artists are represented here? The work was quite good and "in person" the inspiration for the miniatures was readily recognizable.

Last month Spencer Reynolds had just begun this painting during the Art Walk... next month we get to see how it has progressed from here. Or, stop by Semi Aquatic Gallery at 654 Chetco Avenue any time to see how it is going.

Anna Gitchell is showing her multi media work at Ambiance by the Sea. This painting took second place in a Coos Bay competition... which is the highest possible award Anna could receive since she took first place last year and no artist is allowed to win first place for two consecutive years.

Lon Goddard took advantage of the fabulous weather to play outside at Ambiance by the Sea during Art Walk. Ambiance by the Sea is located two blocks west of Chetco Avenue on the corner of Willow and Hemlock Streets.

The cast of "Junie B is Not a Crook" - Brookings Harbor Community Theater, performed a preview at the Chetco Community Public Library.

Philip Wadsworth with his display at the Chetco Community Public Library. The "California Dreamin'" exhibit includes four Crescent City artists.

Section of Philip Wadsworth's Library display

Section of Pauline Holmes Library display

Section of Stephen Washburn's Library display

Section of Cathy Dean's Library Display

Dan Gray's wood turning art is featured this month in the Chetco Community Public Library's display cases.

These display cases are challenging to photograph due to excessive reflection and glare... so be sure to stop in and see these wonderful pieces yourself.

Tamara Kraft is offering her whimsical shirt art at Feather Your Nest. For some truly humorous images you may not have seen before, have a look. Feather Your Nest's new location is 800 Chetco Avenue - in the shopping area just south of Wright's Custom Framing.

At Brian Scott and Signatures Galleries, after thanking musician Matt Stump, Christina Olsen introduced artists Sydney Clinton and Jane Opiat.

Sydney discussed her photo based art and the many "supports" she employs to display it.
Jane talked about weaving and what distinguishes the work of a an experienced weaver.

Jane's loom with a current work in progress.

Dorothy Marshall took one of Sydney Clinton's watercolor enhanced photographs from the wall to show it around to the audience.
Brian Scott and Signatures Gallery at 515 Chetco Avenue features three levels of exhibits and many styles of art. They are open Tuesday through Saturday.

Billie Ruth Furuichi entertained at Wright's Custom Framing and Fog and Fine Art Gallery during the Art Walk.

Sara Broderick's "Remember" show is hanging at Wright's Custom Framing this month. You can see pieces from the past 11 years of Sara's annual shows at Wright's.
Wright's Fog and Fine Art Gallery features the work of 37 artists. Located at 810 Chetco Avenue, the gallery is open Monday through Saturday.
Thanks to all the artists, musicians and venues for a wonderful Spring Art Walk.
Photos by Nola Range.