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“Artistic License,”
Our monthly ‘Happy Hour’ returns to Brian Scott Gallery
Friday, April 27th
5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Hosted by Angela Ewing
Come early and enjoy complimentary wine and snacks.
Meet the artists:
Robin Fornoff:
Regional Editor in Chief
of the Pilot and Triplicate
Helene Griffith:
Ancient Earth Clay Works
Vera & Levi Paulsen:
The Art of Recycling Crab-lines
Angela Ewing:
Poet’s Corner
Artistic License is held at
Brian Scott Gallery,
515 Chetco Avenue, Brookings
Every fourth Friday of the month to showcase local artists of all genres:
Anyone wishing to participate may call:
Angela Ewing: 541-261-0008 or Brian Scott Gallery: 541-412-8687
From April 27 to June 30, 2018 Coos Art Museum will be exhibiting the Expressions West 2018 juried painting competition. Artists from thirteen western states were invited to compete in this annual event. Juror Archana Horsting selected sixty-four paintings by forty-six artists residing in California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, and Washington.
Learning to Walk in My Own Shadow
Geoffrey McCormack
The opening reception for Expressions West 2018 will take place on April 27 from 5 to 7 pm. The public is invited to attend. We anticipate that many of the participating artists will also be in attendance. An awards ceremony begins at 6 PM and Ms. Horsting will present the prize awards for the competition. The three prizes are $1,000 for first place, $750 for second place and $250 for the third place award. Honorable mentions will also be announced during the ceremony. We welcome all to come meet the artists and juror at the opening reception.
Juror Archana Horsting is the Executive Director and co-founder of the Kala Arts Institute, an international artist’s residency program in Berkeley, California. Horsting received a B.A. with honors from the University of California, Santa Cruz, studied art history at the University of Padova, Italy, and art practice at Academia di Belle Arti di Venezia in Venice, Italy. In 2012 she was recognized with an Alameda County Arts Leadership award. In 2015, she received Berkeley Community Fund’s Benjamin Ide Wheeler Medal, awarded annually to Berkeley’s “most useful citizen.” Horsting oversees all aspects of running Kala, including supervising development and programming. Kala serves 35,000 individuals yearly through artist residencies, exhibitions, and community workshops. In addition Kala’s Artists-in-Schools program provides curriculum-based visual arts education to public schools in Berkeley, Emeryville and Oakland. Horsting will be conducting a walk-through tour of Expressions West on Saturday April 28 at 1 PM. The walk-through will be followed by a tour/talk about Translations: Recalling Photographs her exhibition of paintings featured in the Mabel Hanson Gallery on the second floor of the Museum. This program is free to the public and promises to be a very special event.
Victoria Tierney
Artists accepted into the Expressions West 2018 exhibition include:
Oregon artists – Allen A. (Tony) Adams, Fred Amos, R. Peter Anderson, Doug Anderson, Martin Anderson, Marilyn Burkhardt, David Castleberry, Pete Chasar, Patricia Cink, Merv Cole, Jane Conkling, Barbara Counsil, Cammy Davis, Claire Duncan, Judith Ginsburg, Anna Gitchel, Marcy B. Greene, Morgan Burton Johnson, Cora Larson, David Carmack Lewis, Stacy Lovejoy, Kirk Lybecker, Dutch Mostert, Glenn Ness, Richard Newman, Walt Padgett, Becky Phillips, Patricia Renner, Sher Rosenberg, Pat Snyder, Victoria Tierney, Connie Vincent, Liz Walker, Dennis Worrel, Kimberly Wurster, Christine Zachary
California artists – Ellery Akers, Anthony Campanale, John Chang, Dana Richardson
Idaho artists - Scott Berger, Bonnie Peacher
Colorado artist – Kathleen Steventon,
Montana artist – Ed Wolff
New Mexico artist – Norma Alonzo
Washington artist – Steven R. Hill
Impermanence an exhibition of paintings by Livia Erwin will be on display at Coos Art Museum. Livia Erwin an artist from Sweet Home, Oregon is exhibiting in the Richter Atrium at the Museum April 27 through June 30, 2018.
“Shrouded by trees and isolated in a cornfield, an abandoned farmhouse was my first glimpse of pure beauty. I use the term ‘home’ because the furniture, photographs, letters, magazines and infinite relics of a previous life still resided within the peeling walls and crumbling ceilings. Those rooms were more alive than any inhabited space I had ever experienced.
My goal as a painter is to expose the kind of unconventional beauty that is cultivated by generations of neglect, preferably houses with stories to tell. I ultimately want to share those spaces with others on an impactful scale, and in a form more tangible than the abundance of digital representations.”
Erwin received her Bachelors of Fine Arts in painting from the Maryland Institute College of Art in 2013. Her publications include the 2014 Winter Edition of “Studio Visit Magazine” and Manifest Gallery’s 5th and 7th International Painting Annuals. She received the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant in 2014.
Youth and Adult Photography from the Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians (CTCLUSI) will be on display at Coos Art Museum April 27 through June 30, 2018. In response to some of the historical and contemporary issues facing Native American youth, one recognized intervention is the creation of a personal story that leads to better self-understanding and gives the mind a way to process pain and loss but also a way to express joy, identity and hope for the future.
In an exhibition organized by Leslie Lintner, Behavior Health Specialist. Young participants were provided digital cameras, quick instructions on how they work, and a short presentation on contemporary Native American artists like Wendy Red Star and Will Wilson. These established artists provided the young photographers with inspiration and ideas of how to create art from their unique perspective. The exhibit represents a selection of works by a CTCLUSI pane
Manley Art Center has a new look. The trees near the front door developed problems and had to be removed. The good news is that the rest of the landscaping is flourishing. Plantings near the building done by Dick Geney (husband of Past PBAA President Bobbie Geney) are maturing and thriving.
Inside Manley Art Center, Gallery Exhibit Coordinator Sharon Guy introduced Artist of the Month Dave Howell and his wife Judy. Dave built a sail boat and he and Judy sailed 36,000 miles around the world where Dave gathered unlimited inspirations for his paintings - but after all that he was so moved by a recent visit to the Brookings coast that he moved here from Southern California. Visit the Pelican Bay Arts Association's website to learn more about Dave Howell.
Dave and Judy showed slides of their world travels and talked about their experiences in many countries.
Visit Manley Art Center in April to see an exhibit of Dave Howell's paintings. The gallery at 411 Oak Street is open Tuesday through Sunday from 11 am to 4 pm.
The Chetco Community Library is featuring an exhibit called "California Dreamin'" - paintings by three Crescent City artists.
Crescent City Artist Pauline Holmes
Crescent City Artist Stephen Washburn
Crescent City Artist Cathy Dean. You can see these paintings and more by these artists at the Library during April.
The Chetco Pelican Players are currently performing "Athenry" and gave a preview of what to expect. For more information about the play see http://www.chetcopelicanplayers.com/site/our-shows/now-playing/
Ambiance by the Sea offered a book signing by Georgia Cockerham. Several of Georgia's books were available. Her newest book is due to be out in June. Visit http://www.colorandwordsbygeorgia.com/ for more about Georgia's books and paintings.
Ambiance by the Sea is also showing art by Kevin Koeckl. Kevin (right) discussed his work with Art Walk visitors. You can see much more of Kevin's art at http://kevinportraits.com. Bill Schlichting (front) enjoyed some of the fabulous appetizers.
Art Walkers enjoyed the music of Spectrum Sounds at Brian Scott and Signatures Gallery. Paula Edwards introduced artist Les Cornish.
Les Cornish explained pastels and how they are used. Pastel paintings hold their color much longer than oils (which darken and can crack) or watercolors (which eventually fade). You can see an exhibit of Les Cornish pastel seascapes at Brian Scott/Signatures Gallery and much more on his website: http://lescornishfineart.com/
Lon Goddard on guitar at Semi Aquatic Gallery during the April Art Walk.
Artist Spencer Reynolds discussing a new "work in progress" at Semi Aquatic Gallery during the Art Walk.
Art Classes are available at Semi Aquatic Gallery 11 am to 5 pm Monday through Saturday. Visit http://semiaquaticgallery.com/ to see more.
Rachael from the Rouge Valley has joined the artists showing at Feather Your Nest. She is offering custom hand crafted cutting boards, wine glasses, wine totes and more. Rachel ran into a snag on Highway 199 and didn't make it to the Art Walk. Maybe next month. Rapp Brush entertained with guitar and vocals.
Brookings Artist and long time art instructor, Audi Stanton, demonstrated small painting techniques at Wright's Fog and Fine Arts Gallery. Patty Anne Da'Cunha provided lively musical entertainment at Wright's during the Art Walk.
37 artists are currently showing at Wright's Fog and Fine Art Gallery and art classes are held there on Wednesday and Friday.
Art Walk Photos by Nola Range and Ann Ostrowski.
April 14th
The Howell’s Sailing Odyssey
Take two people, one 42’ catamaran, the open ocean for ten years and what do you have? Pirates, sea monsters, and treasure stories galore!
Manley Art Center and Gallery is pleased to present April’s Featured Artist David Howell’s current artwork. On April 14th, Second Saturday Art Walk, at 4:00, he will do a travelogue presentation about their incredible journey around the world, with photos and tales of their high seas adventures.