Coos Art Museum invites you to attend The Coos Art Museum Staff Art Show, an exhibition featuring art works created by the folks who make your art museum happen. The exhibition runs from December 15, 2017 to February 17, 2018 and a free public reception takes place from 5 to 7pm on Friday December 15. It would be a wonderful time to meet the artists and see the wide variety of works that they produce.
A Gathering of Plankton - Sarita Southgate

Chuckles - Liv Drahos
Among the works on display will be examples of: photography, stained glass, painting, mixed media, collage, woodblock printing, ceramics, and fiber art. The participating artists include: Ken Ayers, Betty Bangs, Steven Broocks, David Castleberry, Kevin Clarke, Archi Davenport, Liv Drahos, Stan Ferrell, Carol Hanlin, Genevieve Hartin, Josie Keating, Susan Lehman, Paula Reise, Dana Rieck, Pat Snyder, Sarita Southgate, Victoria Tierney, Beth Wegner, and Kathleen Zappelli.
Stoneware Bowl - Steven Broocks

Baby Hippo - Kathleen Zappelli
Coos Art Museum has been a cultural focal point of Oregon’s scenic Southern Coast since 1966. It occupies the historic 1936 Art Deco U.S. Federal Building in downtown Coos Bay. The Museum offers a wide range of arts activities including exhibitions, art classes and lectures. Hours are 10:00am to 4:00pm, Tuesday through Friday and 1:00 to 4:00 pm on Saturday. Museum admission: $5 general, $2 students, veterans and seniors, free to Museum members.