Featured Artist for October, 2017 will be Jean Stephenson of Langlois. She is one of the original Charter members of Art by the Sea Gallery & Studio since its inception in February, 2012.
The reception for Jean will be held at the gallery on Saturday, October 7th from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. She is a multi-media artist, specializing in collage, pastel, oil and acrylic painting, as well as her recent discovery of oil and cold wax painting. She is also one of the gallery’s most popular classroom teachers, sharing her knowledge of various art forms with new and repeating students.''
Coinciding with the above Reception for Jean Stephenson, we are happy to announce that Patricia V. Renner, B.S., M.Ed., of Gold Beach, Oregon has agreed to judge the non-member entries submitted for the Annual Collage/Collage Assemblage show and will be selecting 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Honorary winners. All entries will be on display at Art by the Sea Gallery & Studio in Bandon during the month of October, 2017. First place winner will be granted the opportunity to show their work of art on a dedicated display wall in the Gallery for one month in 2018, at which time a Reception will be held in their honor.
125 Chicago Street SE, Bandon, OR 97411 Tel: 541.347.2432