On Sunday, February 26, Brookings Harbor Friends of Music will present the Jasper String Quartet. Here is a sneak preview of their wonderful program:
Mozart – String Quartet in D major, K. 575 http://brentanoquartet.com/notes/mozart-quartet-k-575/
Barber – String Quartet Op. 11 http://www.montanachambermusicsociety.org/images/programnotes/2015/20150206_MCMSProgramNotes.pdf
(note that this is the source of the incredible Adagio for Strings, made famous in The Elephant Man), and now on everybody’s greatest hits list)
Beethoven – String Quartet in B-flat major Op. 130 with original final movement the Grosse Fugue (Great Fugue) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gro%C3%9Fe_Fuge
(note that the Great Fugue has been called the greatest piece of music ever written by Glenn Gould and many others, looking across the entire 19th century into the 20th.)
This is an astounding program and it can not be over praised.
Individual Tickets $15 per event
Under 18 - FREE
Tickets are sold at the door and at:
Wright's Custom Framing and Creative Arts
810 Chetco Avenue
Brookings, OR 97415
Event Location:
Seventh Day Adventist Church
102 Park Avenue
Brookings, OR 97415
The concert begins at 3:00 pm and is approximately 2 hours in length. Plenty of free parking. Doors open to the public one half hour prior to show times. Seating is first come first served. Arrive early for the best seats for this world class performance.