At Manley Art Center the Azalea Festival Art Show winners are displayed during the month of June. People's Choice winner, Amy Lathorpe talked about her winning entry "Father Forgive Them" during the June Art Walk.

Pete Chasar introduced some of the winning artists at Manley Art Center.

Caroline Brisbin entered two photographs in the Azalea Festival Art Show and both received ribbons.

Holly Beyer received a ribbon for her 3-D fiber art piece.

Donna Goss took Best of Show in the Azalea Festival Art Show this year for her sculpture called "Leafthing".
During the June Art Walk she talked about how she created the piece.

Buzz Stewart, Pete Chasar, Violet Burton and Marge Woodfin were among the crowd at Manley Art Center.

New to the Art Walk this year, ABC Creations drew a crowd who enjoyed the variety of art offered.

Spectrum Sounds entertained at ABC Creations.

Brian Scott & Signatures Gallery is featuring Les Cornish, Jan Kunz, Albert Handell, Sandy Bonney and Joe Tonini this month.

Tim and Michelle Wallace entertained at Brian Scott & Signatures Gallery during the June Art Walk.

The Chetco Community Library features the work of Pete Chasar this month.

Pete's Show is called "All Over the Place" and includes landscapes and seascapes and more.

You can see "more" of Pete's work at the Library.

Spencer Reynolds talking with an Art Walker at Semi Aquatic Gallery where his beach themed oils and prints are available.

Lon Goddard on guitar at Semi Aquatic Gallery.

The work of Sara Broderick's art students is on display at Wright's during June. The work is displayed both in the classroom and in the front window.

Sara with some of her students' work in the front window of Wright's. Her students are from College of the Redwoods, SOCC and weekly workshops held at Wright's.

Giraffes on a Raft set a lively mood at Wright's during the June Art Walk.

Jay Mosby painting a portrait of a young Art Walker at Wright's during the June Art Walk.
It was a perfect afternoon for an Art Walk, sunny, warm and breezy and a pleasure to be out walking around.
Thanks to all the artists, musicians, and venues!
Nola Range