The GoldRush Gallery in Gold Beach will host its Holiday 2015 Artists Reception in partnership with the Curry County Cultural Coalition Awards Ceremony on Thursday, December 3, from 5:30 - 7:30 PM. Artist Jeanne Steele, and her husband Todd Steele, will be returning to the gallery after spending last winter in Arizona, and will present their Southwest inspired paintings along with recent plein air pieces. Other exciting new art will be on display by the gallery's regularly featured artists, Tammy Delaney, Magda Druzdzel, Alexandra Eyer, Carol Hinman, Susan Lehman, Pat Renner, and Lorraine Filippone. Find that perfect gift for your home or a special art lover while listening to holiday music by DJ Luke Martinez and sampling fine wine and culinary treats supplied by some of Gold Beach's finest chefs.
At 6:30 PM, the Curry County Cultural Coalition (CCCC) will award its 2016 grants of up to $1,000 to groups that promote, preserve, and enhance the arts, heritage, and humanities resources found in Curry County. This year's recipients are Brookings-Harbor Community Theater, Brookings Area Council for the Arts, Southern Oregon Kite Festival, Chetco Pelican Players, Friends of Langlois Library, Port Orford Arts Council, Port Orford Library Foundation, Ellensburg Theater, SOPT, Port Orford Main Street, and Curry Arts, Inc. The CCCC is an arm of the Oregon Cultural Trust, created by the Oregon State Legislature in 2001.
The Coalition reviews applications annually and awards money to groups that fulfill the Trust’s mission of increasing public participation in Oregon culture.
The GoldRush Gallery will be open all day on December 3rd for early bird shoppers. It is located at 29692 Ellensburg Ave in Gold Beach, with parking in the back of the building.
For more information please contact Alexandra Eyer, at 541 425 1951 or
email: [email protected], or Magda Druzdzel, at 541 247
6528 or email: [email protected].