Brookings Second Saturday Art Walk, April 11, 2015, 3 - 6 pm

Len and Violet Burton were Artists of the Month at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store. Len is modeling one of the fabrics that showcase ten of his west coast lighthouse paintings. See more of the lighthouse fabric here.

Len Burton was working on a miniature oil painting and discussed his work with Art Walkers

Russ Oelheim provided music at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.

Pete Chasar interviewed the four Acrylic artists who have paintings displayed at the Library this month - Christina Olsen, Destiny Schwartz, Philip Wadsworth and Pete himself.

Ann Ostrowski photographing the artists at the Chetco
Community Library - paintings by Christina Olsen in the background.

Acrylic Artist Destiny Schwartz

Mermaid by Destiny Schwartz.

Acrylic by Destiny Schwartz.

A colorful paper work by Philip Wadsworth at the entrance to the Library display.

Philip Wadsworth with some of his current work - back to basic forms with no help from color.

Philip Wadsworth with his designs based on form and texture.

Pete Chasar's latest work is at the Library.

At the Library Austin Bertelson talked about his experiences making fine chainmaille jewelry.

Music by Rapp Brush filled Feather Your Nest.

Dewey's Digs featured a glimpse of Lon Goddard's career in illustration.

Aura Wright performed at Manley Art Center.

Christina Olsen rushed from the Library to be interviewed at Manley Art Center where she is the Featured Artist for April. This painting is done on both sides of a piece of glass.

Christina told the stories behind her paintings.

Some of the chairs destined for the 2015 Brookings Harbor Art Chair Contest were on display at Manley Art Center. Competing chairs must be entered by April 15 - see details here.

Crescent City Artist and art instructor, Nancy Sander, is the Featured Artist at Wright's Custom Framing and Art Supplies/Fog and Fine Art Gallery. Nancy has had a career as a registered nurse, and also an impressive career in art. She is known for her conceptual art, texturing and combining the techniques of watercolor and oil. During the April Art Walk Nancy worked on this painting of a horse being pestered by a flock of chickens.

Completed works by Nancy Sanders. You can see more of Nancy's paintings at Wright's during April.

Rob Decker at work with his pastels at Wright's during Art Walk.

At Wright's Jay Mosby painted portraits of anyone willing to sit still for a few minutes.

Patty Anne Da'Cunha and friends provided a stomp'n good time at Wright's.

Jay Mosby working on a portrait.

A Jay Mosby portrait is a prize to keep forever.

Taste 'O Honey at Brian Scott Gallery. Giraffes on a Raft performed earlier in the evening.

Art Walk Guests gather at Brian Scott Gallery to enjoy a glass of wine and listen to Taste 'O Honey.
April Art Walk photos by Nola Range and Ann Ostrowski.