Giraffes on a Raft kept things lively at Brian Scott Gallery.

Artists Pete Chasar and Sandy Bonnie talking with Art Walkers while Dorothy takes over for vacationing Christine at the tap in Brian Scott Gallery.

Kathleen Kresa is featured artist this month at Brian Scott Gallery.

Deweys Digs gets the "Most Beautiful and Bountiful Munchies" Award for October.
The Brookings-Harbor Lions Club provided refreshments and showed off the 2015 Calendar with photos by local photographers.

Spectrum Sounds entertained at Dewey's Digs.

The theme for October at Manley Art Center is "Tell Me a Story"
Above are theme paintings by Buzz Stewart and Dale Wells.

Featured Artists for October at Manley are Center are PBAA Board Members and Coordinators.

October is Cancer Awareness Month and local volunteers took donations for a fund raising raffle at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.

Julie Campbell and Wendy Van Winkle pinned ribbons on Art Walkers.

Theodore Allwardt, author of Rattlesnakes and Rainbows--Daily Devotions Along the Trail of Life, held a book signing at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.

Lon and Aura entertained at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.

At Wright's the Artists Circle included Jay Mosby, Tom Moody, Dale Wells, and Buzz Stewart. They were joined by new Pilot reporter Jayati Ramakrishnan and Pilot copy editor Lynn Guild.

Rob Decker painted with pastels during the Art Walk at Wright's.

Lynette McPherson telling Audi Stanton about her antique sock knitting machine.

These clever hand cranked machines were sold door to door for $99 - a long time ago.

Here Lynn is raising some of the needles to remove them from the loop so she can create a heel for the sock.

Student Artist Hannah Pearcey is Artist of the Month at Wright's.

Past Pelican Bay Arts Association President Lorelei Hanna and her husband Noel enjoying the October Art Walk at Wright's.

Artists Audi Stanton and Violet Burton join Dale, Tom, Buzz and Jay at Wright's. The new gallery at Wright's continues to include new art and draw much admiration.