FOR INFORMATION EMAIL [email protected]
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Inspired by "The Red Tent, by Anita Diamoat who explored the power of connections woven by and between women throughout history, "Connecting Threads" will feature several events over two days.
Two workshops are offered during the FESTIVAL:
Saturday: Connecting Threads - $39
This half-day retreat with author and art therapist Claire Sierra, will explor the mysterie of the Red Tent for creative women or women who want to be. Through arta, movement and guided reflective practices you will learn to contact the deep and essential joy that moves you forward.
Sunday: Thread Arts, Soft Scupture and You - $39
This is a rare and valuable opportunity to learn wituh visiting North Carolina Artist Susan Doggett. She will share her studies of ancient female icons and how they led to a spirit-infused life that enchanced her creative growth. Participants will learn new thread arat techniques and use them to create a person god or goddess icon doll.
Artist Reception Saturday 5 to 7 -- $5
Features Master Thread Artist Susan Doggett
Music, wine tasting, goodies and conversation.
Register online at
All events are held at the RCC Kerby Belt Building and the Guild Gallery and Art Center
24354 Redwood Highway
Kerby, OR
Title: Product Sampler Class
What: art class – product sampler/fundraiser
Dates: Saturday, September 13, 2014
Time: 10:00 a.m. to noon
Age Range: teens and adults
Skill Level: all skill levels welcome
Media: variety
Where: Coos Art Museum, 235 Anderson
Coos Bay, OR 97420
Fee: $10 CAM Members* / $15 non-members*
*FUNDRAISER: All class fees go to
Coos Art Museum’s children’s art education
scholarship fund.
For more info: call (541) 267-3901 or
email [email protected]
Designed for the artistically adventurous, Coos Art Museum’s “Product Sampler Class” on Saturday, September 13, 2014 from 10 a.m. to noon provides participants the opportunity to experiment with a variety of specialized art products under the knowledgeable guidance of Holly Rodenkirk from Art Connection.
In this fast paced sampler class, participants will be working on paper, glass, fabric and plastic using various products from Art Connection such as multi-surface acrylic paint, alcohol inks, dimensional fabric paint, adhesives and stencils. Each student will go home with a sampler book of techniques as reference and inspiration. Great for anyone willing to experiment and try new things; no experience required.
Fee: $10 CAM members / $15 non-members. Art Connection is providing the instructor and materials for free. All class fees go to Coos Art Museum’s children’s art education scholarship fund. The fund is designed to provide access to art classes for children of families with financial challenges.
Important Notes: Wear old clothes or an apron. Bring scissors, x-acto knife w/ new blade, and any favorite stencils. Media: variety. Skill level: all skill levels welcome. Age Range: teens and adults. 6 participants min./12 participants max. Register online at or contact the Art Education Department at (541) 267-3901 or [email protected].
Stephanie Donaldson
Director of Art Education
p. (541) 267-3901 ext. 105
Friday, August 22nd
4:45 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Angela Ewing hosts our Happy Hour event
Four interesting artists:
Pat Malone: Writer’s Choice
Austin Bertelson: Chainmail Weaves
Jane Opiat: Wearable Art
Angela Ewing: A Ghost Story
Come early for wine and munchies.
The Southern Coos Hospital and Health Center has just received a bequest of still life paintings by the late Thomas Farmer, and to celebrate we are inviting artists to submit their own still life paintings for the FALL SHOW which will open SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12th and remain on display through December 31st along with Thomas Farmer's paintings.
All works must be at the hospital by 9 am on Wednesday, October 8th to be eligible for hanging. Wall art in all media will be shown. Works must be ready for hanging. If you have questions please email Victoria Tierney at [email protected] or Susan Lehman at [email protected]
Artists are invited to submit hangable art for sale during the Gold Beach Brew and Art Fest. Get your ENTRY FORM here.
Consignment fee is 15% for artwork sold. Call Doreen Nielson at 541-490-1593 or Theresa Hendrix at 541-247-2505 for questions.
Audi Stanton with her paintings in the Fog and Fine Art Gallery at Wright's Custom Framing and Art Supplies.
Jeannine Windt is Artist of the Month at Wright's.
Roger Osborn signed copies of his new book, "Time Warp" at Wright's.
Paul Kingsbury demonstrated painting water, wind and clouds at Wright's during the Art Walk.
Jeanene Vick held a Zentangle class Wright's classrsoom.
Zentangle before adding color.
The Chetco Photographers Association filled Dewey's Digs with some of their latest work.
Lon and Aura at Dewey's Digs in full pirate digs.
Stephanie La Torre at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.
Tod Steele from Gold Beach showed his whimsical animal paintings at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.
Connie Lindquist with her driftwood and beaded mobiles, crystal pendants and earring, at Feather Your Nest.
Rapp Brush strumming at Feather Your Nest.
Rapp even smiled for the camera! Or maybe it was for the photographer.
The Azalea Quilt Guild's show at the Chetco Community Library is continued through this month.
Quilted pieces by the Azalea Quilt Guild at the Chetco Community Library.
Giraffes on a Raft performed at Manley Art Center during the August Art Walk.
The theme at MAC this month is "Doors and Windows"
Display of Christina Olsen's paintings on pottery at Brian Scott Gallery.
Patty Anne Da Cunha at Brian Scott Gallery during the August Art Walk - costumed for the Pirate's Festival.
Work by Elio Camacho can be seen at Brian Scott Gallery this month.
Elio Camacho held a plein air oil painting workshop this week in Brookings. Since the workshop was still going on during the Art Walk, participants, including Nola, were painting at Arch Rock and missed the August Art Walk. Thanks to Ann Ostrowski for all the great photos!
The first weekend of August is FESTIVAL OF ART IN STOUT PARK weekend in Brookings.
Seventy vendors set up for this second season of Festival of Art in Stout Park. Plein air painters were at work throughout the park. The food court offered pulled pork, tamales, burritos, hamburgers, hot dogs and more - plus beverages including micro brews at Manley Art Center. And gourmet chocolates... Musicians rotated to provide live music for the duration. At the Kids Art Zone many art projects were completed.
Here are a few photos of the Festival of Art in Stout Park.
Christina Olsen wrapping up a customer's purchase.
Hither Thither and Yon performing on Saturday.
Demonstration using alpaca wool.
Outside of Violet and Len Burton's booth
Violet and Len Burton offered photographs, oil paintings, and wood crafts.
Young Festival goers talking to Buzz Stewart and Jay Mosby about the paintings they were doing on Sunday morning.
Catherine McElroy offered watercolor items.
A sign pointed the way to Chocolates by Joyce.
Dale Wells worked on a watercolor at his booth.
Lorelei Hanna let a line dance thorugh the park on Saturday afternoon.
Buzz Stewart painting a park scene in watercolors on Saturday afternoon.
A breakfast burrito being freshly made on Saturday morning by Street Side Grill.
Spectrum Sounds performed on Saturday and Sunday.
Oil painter Frank Gustafson at work near his booth.
One of several paintings that Frank was working on during the Festival.
Jane Opiat weaving a scarf at her booth.
Jay Mosby with a watercolor he completed in the park on Saturday.
Jean Johnston at her elegant jewelry booth.
Kathy Huxley working on an oil painting.
Kathy Huxley painting a row of Festival booths.
Kid's Art Zone, coordinated by Dori Randall, where many art projects were created.
Knapp Studios - Randy and Shelly Knapp - offered exquisite kaleidoscopes.
Linda Evans painting with pastels over watercolor.
Linda made small sketches first, then painted the scene in watercolor and used pastels to finish.
Lynn's Designer Aprons Booth (on right).
Maryjane Carlson's pottery booth.
Vendors lined the scenic paths of the park.
Pat Moore's Photography booth.
Verna Pooler at work on a watercolor painting.
Verna's grandson - the youngest plein air painter in the park.
Randy McMillen's booth of graphite art.
Rapp Brush entertaining on Saturday afternoon.
What would an art festival in Brookings be without Rob Decker!
Roger Marcoux's hand crafted hardwood cutting boards, etc.
Sandy Bonney and Janice Guernsey of Pelican Bay Arts Association at one of the three information booths in the park. The Festival is sponsored by Pelican Bay Arts Association at Manley Art Center. Stout Park surrounds Manley Art Center.
Sharon Guinn painting while she talks with another artist, Eva Marie Klass.
Sharon Guinn at work in the park during the Festival.
The Manley Contented Cow silently watched the festival goers.
View of the park from the entrance to Manley Art Center.
Sherryl Griffin demonstrated how she works with kelp at her booth during the Festival.
Kelp art display in Sherryl Griffin's booth.
Cilde Grover (left) and Violet Burton (right) present the Best Booth Award to Sherryl Griffin.
The award includes a free booth at next year's Festival.
The 2015 Festival of Art in Stout Park will be Saturday and Sunday, August 1 and 2. If you would like to be a vendor in this juried event or volunteer to help, call Pelican Bay Arts Association at Manley Art Center: 541-469-1807.