Gold Beach Artist Magda Druzdzel, Featured Artist at Manley Art Center in July, has both framed and unframed paintings available.

An Art Walker browsing through Magda's paintings at MAC.

Ann Ostrowski with her Hawaii inspired diptych at Manley Art Center.

The July gallery theme at Manley Art Center is "Abstracts"

Spectrum Sounds played at Manley Art Center during the July Art Walk.

The Chetco Community Library is featuring a collection of quilted pieces by members of the Azalea Quilt Guild.

You may view these and more in the Library's gallery during July.

The lobby display case at the Library features small kites in celebration of the Southern Oregon Kite Festival, coming up next weekend, Saturday and Sunday, July 19 and 20.

Watercolors by Barbara Meeks were shown at Dewey's Digs during the July Art Walk.

Early in the evening Patty Ann Da Cunha performed at Dewey's Digs.

Taste O' Honey provided musical entertainment at Dewey's during the second half of the Art Walk.

Giraffes on a Raft at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.

Nola admiring the display of vintage spoon assessosries by Del and Kathy Brant (Kiss J Co) at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.

The Brandts enthusiastically discuss their spoon craft with Art Walk visitors.

Marshall Thompson took the "stage" later at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store. Marshall slowed down my Art Walk, as it is tough to walk away when he is playing.

Hither Thither and Yon were highly visible musically, but nearly camouflaged from sight by the frame display at Wright's Custom Framing and Art Supplies.

In Wright's classroom Bonnie Loewen was painting a seascape and Dale Wells and Janeen Vick were working on Zentangle projects.

Zentangle is a lot of fun and anyone can be an amazing artist! Janeen Vick is offering a class in Zentangle at Wrights - call or stop by to sign up. 541-469-7900.

Rob Decker was busy embellishing pottery pieces at Wrights.

Smith River Artist Karen Berry demonstrated oil painting in the Fog and Fine Art Gallery at Wright's.

Rosie Dieter is Wright's Featured Artist for July. You can see her display to the right of the front door.

Rapp Brush and guitar at Feather Your Nest.

Robin Moralli of Redwood Massage and Wellness offered free chair massages at Feather Your Nest during the July Art Walk.

Julie Scott is featured artist at Feather Your Nest.

Lon and Aura performed on the patio at Gypsies.

Author Cecilia Johnson autographed her new fantasy novel, "Secrets in Stone".

Stephanie La Torre performed at Brian Scott Gallery with a large painting by Kathleen Kresa as a backdrop.

Work by Elio Camacho is also currently featured at Brian Scott Gallery.

After Art Walk at Art Alley Grille with Ken Range. Thanks to Ken for escorting the Art Walk Photographers aournd town after getting up at 3 am to fish for salmon all day. Go Ken!

The days are already getting shorter, but you can tell it is summer when you leave dinner at The Grille and are surprised that it is still bright (and foggy) outside.