The Annual Azalea Festival Art Show sponsored by Pelican Bay Arts Association was held on Saturday and Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend, during the Azalea Festival.

Azalea Festival Queen Michaela Renee George and her Court arrived shortly after the show opened on Saturday.

Queen Michaela and the Azalea Festival Princesses carefully viewed all of the show entries.

The Queen considered several entries before making her choice.

And here is the "Queen's Choice" award winning painting by Katrina Parke, titled Lawrence Welk II.

Katarina Parke with her Queen's Choice Award winner.

Azalea Festival Parade Grand Marshall Larry Smith took a tour of the show guided by artist Audi Stanton.

Audi and Grand Marshall Larry Smith with the "Grand Marshall's Choice" award winning painting "Natural Bridge" by De'de' Nicolls.

Azalea Festival Pioneer Citizen June (Schrader) Hart was also among the early birds visiting the show to choose her favorite piece.

Pioneer Citizen June with her choice, a photograph titled "Last Light" by Barbara Jervis.

Photographer Barbara Jervis with June and the photo that won the Pioneer's Choice award.

And now, the judged entries that took home ribbons...
Art judged by: Cody A Bustamante - Artist and art instructor from Ashland
Youth Art Judged by: Local artists Audi Stanton, Paul Renner, Pat Renner
The entries were in the following categories:
Professional, Non Professional, and Youth
The Classes of art included 2-D, 3-D, and Photography

First Place Professional - "An English Country Garden" by David Galchutt

David Galchutt with "Rain Angel" which took the ribbon for BEST OF CLASS

2nd Place Professional - "Grandma's Hands" by Sandy Bonney

Sandy Bonney with "Grandma's Hands" which also won the PEOPLES CHOICE award.

Third Place Professional - "Ol' Blue Eyes" by Janeen Vick

Janeen Vick with "Ol' Blue Eyes"

Honorable Mention - "Twinkle" by Audi Stanton
Honorable Mention - "Alphabet" by Arlene Saul

First Place Professional Photography - "Silence and Respect, Arlington" by David Twining

David Twining with his Blue Ribbon winning photograph.

Second Place Professional Photography - "She'll Be Driving '6' White Horses" by Bill Harper

Third Place Professional Photography - "Smoke and Mirrors" by John Gehl

Honorable Mention Professional Photography- "Tsunami Tango" by Bill Harper

First Place Professional 3-D by Maryjane Carlson

Second Place Professional 3-D by Maryjane Carson

Third Place Professional 3-D by Erik R. Van Beever

Honorable Mention - "Ascending" by John Gehl

First Place Non-Professional 2-D - "TIde Pool" by Bonnie Loewen

Bonnie Loewen with her blue ribbon winner

Second Place Non-Professional 2-D - "Storm Rage Returns" by E. Doreen Brown

Doreen Brown with her winning painting

Third Place Non-Professional 2-D - "Spring" by Lyn Smith

Lyn Smith and her ribbon winner. This painting was also sold during the show.

Honorable Mention Non-Professional 2-D - "Whimsical Rooster" by Wende Caputo

Honorable Mention Non-Professional 2-D - "Whispering Hummingbird" by Bonnie Jorgenson

First Place Non-Professional Photography - "Moonrise on McCarty's Love" by Amanda Schrieber

Second Place Non-Professional Photography - "Sea Anenome #1" by Garry Downing

Garry Downing and his ribbon winning photograph

Third Place Non-Professional Photography - "Presque Isle Cave" by Amanda Schrieber

Honorable Mention Non-Professional Photography - "First Sign" by Barbara Jervis

First Place Non-Professional 3-D - "Sleeper" by Robin Eddy

Robin Eddy with "Sleeper" and a blue ribbon

Second Place Non-Professional 3-D - "Hydra" by Joan Eddy

Third Place Non-Professional 3-D "Coiled Lace" by Joan Eddy

Honorable Mention Non-Professional 3-D "Robin Goodfellow" by Robin Eddy
Several Artists gave demonstrations during the show, including Jay Mosby and Buzz Stewart (not pictured).

Paul Kingsbury demonstrated how he paints with acrylics in an oil painting style. Here is is painting over a previous demo painting so that he can reuse the canvas.

Sara Broderick beginning a pastel painting of a bird

A few minutes later Sara's bird is taking form.

Dale Wells demonstrated watercolor and ink painting.

Dale applying water soluble ink to his watercolor painting.

Maryjane Carlson in back of the 3-D Display, did a demonstration with clay.

Maryjane Carlson rolling out clay for a new piece of art.

Garretta Lamore from Crescent City painting a pastel portrail of Robin Eddy.

Garretta Lamore, Robin Eddy and the portrait Garretta painted of Robin on Sunday morning during the art show.

1st Place High School 2-D - "Sage the Amazing" by Clint Hoover

Second Place High School 2-D - "Just One More Page" by Elizabeth Norman

Third Place High School 2-D - "Woe" by Bobby Warren

Honorable Mention High School 2-D - "U.S. Military Tribute" by Evan Vallot

Honorable Mention - "Predator and Prey" by Clarice Baumbach

First Place High School Photography - "Flower Fireworks" by Abigail Schreiber

Second Place High School Photography - "Street" by Nastassia Carrasco

Third Place High School Photography - Clarice Baumbach

Honorable Mention - "Red Rose of Romance" by Abigail Schreiber"

First Place High School 3-D - "Metamorphosis" by Emily Chirinian

Second Place High School 3-D - "Simply Live" by Daisy Saphiloff

Third Place High School 3-D - "Looking Into My World" by Daniel Paulson

Honorable Mention High School - "Nicho" by River Raiter

Best of Professional Class - "Rain Angel" by David Galchutt

Best of Non-Professional Class - "The Pink Dress" by Sigi Riddle

Best of High School Class - "Angelee" by Angelee Calder

Best of Middle School Class - "Licorice" by Jenna Martini

"Grandma's Hands" by Sandy Bonney

"Into the Void" by Jessie Good

Violet Burton, Cilde Grover, Barbara Jervis and Joan Eddy; some of the PBAA members who make the Azalea Festival Art Show possible.

On Sunday morning at the show Jay Mosby had a special surprise for his wife...

Jay Mosby's "Blake" took
for the 2014 Azalea Festival Art Show in Brookings, Oregon