Nancy Moorehope demonstrated how she paints bird portraits at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.

Rapp Brush found a spot among the 3-D art and provided musical entertainment at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.

The OH SO SERIOUS Rob Decker posed with the Always Happy Dennis Wright at Wright's Custom Framing and Art Supplies.

For the past few weeks Rob Decker has provided free drawing lessons at Wright's during the Art Walk. This month he demonstrated how he uses drawing media to achieve his wonderful drawings.

In addition to Rob's small framed original drawings, you'll now find plates featuring his drawings at Wright's.

Patty Ann DeCunha performed in the main gallery at Wright's Custom Framing.

Bill Harper is Artist of the Month at Wright's and is showing his black and white photography.

The back gallery at Wright's is filled with the work of Tom Sheets this month.

Tom is showing both his mixed media wood creations and abstract paintings.

Tammy Tanner of Jewel Notions showed her hand crafted stainless jewelry at Feather Your Nest.

At Gypsies, Amber Tagg discussed "Access Consciousness"

Lon and Aura performed on the patio at Gypsies. Popular for their folk music, they included a rock number during the Art Walk.

Christina Olsen at the Chetco Community Library's show titled "Aesthetic Whimsy".

Tod Steele at the Library show with his wonderful acrylics of animals.

Jeanne Steele discussing her work with Art Walk Visitors at the Library.

Tod and Jeanne Steele have recently enjoyed painting together - on the same canvas! They work well together and claim that their only disagreements have been over how to paint the background. They've promised to put together a video showing how they do it.

Buzz Stewart enjoying Horst Wolf's "Martians" at the Library Show.
Always a supporter of the arts, Elmo WIlliams discussed the Library show with Christina Olsen during the Art Walk.

Horst Wolf and Friends entertained at Brian Scott/Signatures Gallery.

Leslie Wolf narrated a slide show of some of her stained glass photographs taken on her travels.

Christina Olsen demonstrated acrylic and mixed media painting at Brian Scott Gallery.

John Marshall and Friends at Dewey's digs.

Richard Leathers (left) below his photograph that was chosen for the month of May on the Lion's Club 2014 Calendar. At Dewey's Digs the calendar was displayed, along with enlargements of the chosen photos, and the calendar was on sale during Art Walk.

Marshall Thompson entertained in the Gallery at Manley Art Center.

Georgia Cockerham signed copies of her new book, Wildlife Friends. The book is dedicated to her grandchildren and inlcudes her original poems and paintings of creatures including, harbor seals, chipmunks, geese, whales, deer, hummingbirds, squirrels, butterflies and the river otter. A beautiful kid's gift for ony $10 and available at Manley Art Center.

Artist of the Month at Manley Art Center is Audi Stanton and Her Students.

Audi and Ann Ostrowski with Ann's recent oil painting of a Vietnamese Fishing Village. Audi has taught watercolor classes for years, and is now also teaching oil painting.

Barbara Jervis, another student of Audi Stanton, showed a watercolor vignette.

Barbara insisted that it was only fair that I get in front of the camera, and took this photo of me with my watercolor of pear blossoms (painted while learning negative painting from Audi Stanton).
That's all for the October Art Walk.
See you next month.