The Festival of Art in Stout Park (surrounding Manley Art Center) was held on the weekend of August 3 and 4. The trees were bombed by Pelican Bay Art Association Fiber Artists.

Artist Booths lined the paths of Stout Park.

Live music by various artists was performed all day both days. Here Spectrum Sounds is on stage.

Food vendors ringed the Pine Street Turnabout and Cafe Kitanishi operated from the classsroom in Manley Art Center. The outdoor food vendors included Rotary (pulled pork sandwiches), Shop Smark (hot dogs, hamburgers and tri-tip sandwiches), Soroptimist Club, and 4-H Club.

A wine bar by Cliff Creek Cellars was also in the Manley Classroom.

Festival goers relaxed at tables in Manley Art Center to enjoy lunch.

Each table in Manley Art Center was provided with fresh flowers and an assortment of crayons. Many festival attendees enjoyed creating art on the tablecloths.

Artists painted plein air throughout Stout Park and those who registered submitted their work for judging on Sunday afternoon. Kathy Huxley, above, was the winner of the $50 Wright's gift certificate for the painting in the photo.

Close-up of of Kathy Huxley's winning painting. The boy in the painting volunteered to pose when he saw the painting in progress.

Several activities for kids were available during the entire festival.

Stout Park provides a wonderful ambience for artists' booth.

Best Booth Award went to Cathy McElroy for her booth featuring
watercolors, cards, and children's books. The prize is a free booth space at next year's Festival of Art in Stout Park.

Jane Opiat was busy weaving one of her gorgeous scarfs

Christina Olsen was next door to Jane discussing her fun-filled art with visitors.

As usual, Jean Johnston's jewelry booth was so busy that you need to chase the customers out to get a photo.

Dale Wells, whose watercolor of a plein air painter graces the festival poster, was at work on a new painting of a plein air artist.

Frank Gustafson worked on a landscape in oil at his booth during the festival.

Gary Wahbeck offered mini paintings and small scupltures.

Wildlife Artist Jeanne Warren is nearly always at her easel.

The wife of an exhibiting artist set up and painted the Manley cow and the tree bombing.

Rob Decker at work during the festival.

Maryjane Carlson making a sale of her pottery.

Patty Ann Da'Cunha on stage with her harp, and a rapt audience of local musicians.

Kids having fun creating art.

Some big kids had fun creating art too.

Kathy Huxley is nearly finished with her oil of Manley Art Center and the yarn bombed trees.

This is just part of what went on during the festival. The members of Pelican Bay Arts Association at Manley Art Center put on a first rate festival that was enjoyed by both locals and visitors to Brookings.