The April Brookings Second Saturday Art Walk
by Nola

Da-leen entertained at Jessica's Cosmic Cafe where you can see the work of several local artists.

This work was done by the owner of Jessica's.

Paintings by G.G. Thompson at Jessica's Cosmic Cafe.

Frank "Gus" Gustafson was busy working on three oil paintings at Manley Art Center.

Frank Gustafson is Manley's Artist of the Month for April and examples of his fine floral work are featured in the gallery.

Vocalist Dorothy Powers joined the musicians at Manley Art Center.

Versatile artist Hop Norris showed 40 pieces in nine mediums at Dewey's Digs.

Hop Norris's one man show featured wildlife and landscapes with something for everyone.

Hither, Thither and Yon provided music at Dewey's Digs.

Connie Lundquist (C Wind Mobiles) is showing her driftwood and glass beaded mobiles at Feather Your Nest.

Sally Irish with a quilt that she made for the benefit of the PEO Scholarships. It was machine quilted by Michelle Fallert. TIckets are available ($1 ea or 6/$5) at Feather Your Nest. Drawing for the winner will be on May 19, 2 pm at the Chetco Activity Center.
Photo by Ann Ostrowski

Jurassic Country at Dotties Corner.

Dinosaur Country at Wright's Custom Framing and Art Supplies.

Janeen Vick asked her students to paint dinosaurs for a class project. The result merited a show, which you can see during the entire month of April at Wright's. Janeen's After School Art Classes at Wright's will continue through April. They meet Tuesday and Wednesday from 3 to 5 pm. Age 7 and up. $10 per class. (Family discount is half price for a second child).

Several of Janeen Vick's students demonstrated watercolor painting during the April Art Walk.

Janeen Vick brought one of her own recent paintings to the classroom at Wright's to show her students that she really does paint when she isn't teaching.

The Jefferson State Boondock Band entertained at Wright's during the April Art Walk.

If you haven't visited the Gallery at Wright's lately be sure to stop by. You'll see works by Jay Mosby, Dale Wells, Sara Broderick, Sandy Bonney, Christina Olsen, Len and Violet Burton, Frank Gustafson, and many more local artists.

Wright's Gallery includes scarves by Jane Opiat.

Abstract Photographer Neil Rankin is the current featured artist at Wright's and you can see his work in the small gallery.

Brindel Stubbs with "Illume" - Brindel is this month's featured artist at Gypsies.

Pick a card - no, turn them around first - Christina Olsen dealt cards at Brian Scott Gallery for the Art Walk Polker game. Art Walkers picked a card at each venue, hoping for a winning hand by the end of the day.

Marshall Thompson and Taste O'Honey performed at Brian Scott/Signatures Galleries.

Taste O'Honey entertained with a background of early work by Elio Camacho.

A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store features the work of numerous local artists - the foreground display is by Brookings artists Len and Violet Burton and in the left background the whimsical work of Gold Beach artist Todd Steele.

Giraffes on a Raft are "serious" entertainers!

Shirley Hyatt and John Boye at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store before Shirley was surrounded by an eager crowd of Polker Players hoping to win a prize.

The crowd finally settled down and Shirley identified the polker winners who received prizes from A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store. (See the gorgeous quilt in the upper left corner - this one was made by the the Azalea Quilters Guild and raffle tickets are available at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store - the winning ticket will be drawn at the end of the Azalea Festival Quilt Show on May 26 at Kalmiopsis School).
As our poker hands were clearly not going to win a wooden nickle, we crossed the street for a sure winner - dinner at Panchos.