Terry Woodall, a Coos County artist from North Bend, Oregon, will exhibit his wildlife sculptures from April 5 through April 27 in the Coastal Oregon Visual Artists Showcase that features the work of mid-career artists from the seven counties on Oregon Coast. A video about Woodall and his work accompanies the exhibit.

Humpback Adrift, myrtlewood sculpture by Terry Woodall
Oregon Coast Council for the Arts will host a Reception for “Orcas Adrift” on April 5th from 5pm to 7pm. The opening reception is free and open to the public. Come, meet the artist and enjoy refreshments. The showcase exhibits are sponsored by Oregon Coast Council for the Arts, the Regional Arts Council for Curry, Coos, Lincoln, Tillamook, Clatsop and the coastal areas of Douglas and Lane County.

Sea Run Striker, myrtlewood sculpture by Terry Woodall
Woodall has achieved international recognition and awards with his interpretive sculptures of wildlife interactions executed in both wood and bronze. The “Endangered Species; Flora and Fauna in Peril” wildlife art competition and national touring exhibition was a major springboard for Woodall to express his devotion to North American wildlife. Hosted by the Wildling Art Museum in Los Olivios, California, the exhibit, which included a Terry Woodall sculpture, was also presented at the Department of Interior Museum in Washington D.C.

The Wave Master, myrtlewood sculpture by Terry Woodall
Perhaps the most pivotal experience in Woodall’s career came with the Artists for Conservation Foundation Fellowship Award, which gave him the opportunity for an artistic field study to Lake Baikal, Russia. Besides the field study of endemic wildlife of Siberia, this resulted in his illustrated journal published online, a solo art show at the Irkutsk Nature Museum in Irkutsk, Russia, a slide presentation of the expedition at the Hiram Blauvelt Art Museum on the opening night of the “Art of Conservation” art exhibition, and a solo featured artist showing at the 20th annual fund raising event of the Tahoe-Baikal Institute in South Lake Tahoe, California. Most recently, Terry gave lectures and demonstrated his sculpting at the Art of Conservation 2011 and 2012 exhibits and art festival in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Closer to home, the Pacific Ocean and Coast Range Mountains, with their rich wealth of wildlife, sea life and myrtlewood forests, have provided Terry with all the important elements for his life-long art career on the Oregon Coast. He also enjoys managing a small tree farm in his native northwest, salmon fishing, and writing, all mixed in a blend of outdoor inspirations. His writings on wildlife art have been published in Wildlife Art Magazine, the Society of Animal Artists newsletter, Wildscape Magazine of Great Britain, and the online Wildlife Art Journal. Campfire talks on his myrtlewood art and the trees that lend the medium, sponsored by the Oregon State Parks Department, is another venue of sharing his deep appreciation and knowledge of nature.
The Coastal Oregon Visual Artists Showcase and Video Archive is located on the second floor of the Newport Visual Arts Center, 777 NW Beach Drive overlooking the ocean on the Nye Beach Turnaround. Showcase hours are Tuesday through Saturday from noon to 4pm. For more information check the OCCA website, www.coastarts.org or call Sally Houck, Oregon Coast Council for the Arts Director, Visual Arts Center, 541-265-6569.

Battle of the Bulls, Elephant Seals, myrtlewood sculpture by Terry Woodall
The 2013 Newport Paper Arts Festival Instructors Show opens in the Upstairs Gallery at the Newport Visual Arts Center on April 5 and continues through April 21. Oregon Coast Council for the Arts invites the public to enjoy refreshments and delicious snacks and meet local artists at the Opening Reception on April 5 from 5pm to 7pm. During the Newport Paper Arts Festival, a second public reception will be held on April 19 from 4:30pm to 6pm. Sponsored by Oregon Coast Council for the Arts, the exhibit in the gallery shows the fine art of twelve talented instructors. More of their work will be available at the Instructors’ Sale on April 20 from 5:30 to 7pm.
Cheri Aldrich is a full time multi media artist. She currently divides her time doing mixed media, basketry and jewelry. Themes of nature are a thread in her work and a love of rich textures has led her to mixed media.
Known for her whimsical style, Doris Arndt, a freelance artist for over 30 years, has shared her love of book binding, jewelry work and other media, teaching workshops at events and stores throughout the country. Her non-traditional approach and innovative bindings have earned her a loyal student following.
Kate Boyes is a teaching artist/weaver who has presented workshops in university, public school, and community settings for over 20 years.

Forgiven Box and Book-Mica leaf book in box by Kate Boyes-Fitzpatrick
Patricia Edmonds has been a book artist for 18 years. She has taught calligraphy and book arts to people of all ages. She has been on the faculty of Portland Community College, VCHS, Letters of Joy, International Calligraphy conferences, AOCC, FOBA & Menucha.
Heather Fortner, a Gyotaku and Nature Print artist, utilizes a 30 inch etching press to create mono printed images, and has taught classes in both mediums since 1986. Her work has been displayed in the US, Canada, Europe and Japan. She owns Orchid Street Studio West in Toledo.
Sandra Frick is a studio artist and teacher with degrees in art and ceramics. She lives in Florida where her ceramic, natural materials sculptures, paper bowls and fish prints can be found in regional galleries.

Rock Back-Ceramic and woven natural materials sculpture by Sandra Frick
Sarah Gayle of SolaLuna Studios in Toledo, creates “up cycled” products by making something old into something new using clothing, neckties or paper products which are incorporated into mixed media art, apparel, hats, note cards and fairy houses.

A Flighty Idea-Mixed media wall piece by Sarah Gayle
Cynthia Griffin, a graphic artist for 18 years and a 20-year member of the Rogue Valley Calligrapher’s Guild, has a passion for ink, paper, calligraphy, bookbinding and 3D art.
Dolores Guffey is one of the founding members of the North Redwoods Book Arts Guild. She has been actively involved with book arts since 1995 and has taught workshops for the Guild and other guilds in California and Oregon and also at other book arts conferences.
Nancy Holley has been a bookmaker for 15 years, gradually deepening her addiction to bookmaking and all art processes. She is also a print maker and watercolorist.
Amanda Puetz has been exploring book arts and bookbinding since 2002. She is an active member in the Emerald Book Arts Group, leading workshops and sharing a passion for book arts. She has also lead bookmaking workshops for teens and adults at the Eugene Public Library.
Moe Snyder is a 2007 graduate of Oregon College of Art and Craft in Portland, with a BFA in Book Arts and Drawing. She is a member of For ArtSake Gallery in Nye Beach in Newport, Or. Her books, boxes and drawings can be seen there and are in private collections around the US. Originally from Toledo, OR, she now lives in Seal Rock.
Each year, the Newport Paper Arts Festival instructors present an intriguing and fascinating show. This exhibit features a multitude of 3-D pieces and unique works including a mobile and winged wall pieces. The Upstairs Gallery, 777 NW Beach Drive on Newport’s Nye Beach Turnaround, is open Tuesday through Saturday from noon to 4pm. For additional information go to http://www.coastarts.org/ or call Sally Houck, OCCA VAC Director, 265-6569.