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Drop in Art Workshop
Instructor Sara Broderick
Wright’s Frame Shop/Gallery
810 Chetco Ave
Critique, Demonstrations and Individual Instruction
All drawing and painting mediums
Graphite, Charcoal, Ink, Oil, Acrylic,
Watercolor, or Pastels
Friday 1:00 - 4:00 pm
$12.00 each session
We will not meet on Fridays of holiday weekends
On Saturday, from 2 to 5 PM, December 8, sixteen of Port Orford's colorful art galleries and shops that feature arts and crafts are hosting a Christmas Art Walk. Bundle up to enjoy art, music, gifts, refreshments and, at around 5pm, the lighting of the Port Orford Crab Pot Christmas Tree at TriAngle Square. The "Heaven and Nature Singers" will be caroling at different spots along the way. Warm up with an Irish coffee at Paula's and/or a Christmas Cocktail at Red Fish. Dinner with friends at one of our great local restaurants would be a great way to end the evening.
Each shop (list below) is lovingly preparing something special for our town to enjoy.
To mention just a few of the highlights: Jewelry by J. Roemen at TriAngle Square Art, "Let Heaven and Nature sing" at Pat Rice's Art Nook, great music at Rick Cook's, stained glass sun catchers at Agate Gardens, Frames painted by Joyce at Uptown Frames, hand painted art wear at Freshwater; jewelry from Sherry's world travels at Johnson's gallery, Dan's Christmas drinks and hugs from Albert at Siren's, Christmas cakes and chocolates at Susan's Chocolates, gorgeous quilts at Quilters Corner, Joan Geiser's art at Hawthorne Gallery and many new works by local artists at all the galleries.
Donna Roselius has made a map of the December 2012 Art Walk available at the following participating shops: Finch's Art Gallery, Dad's Coins, Siren's Cove, Susan's Chocolates, Powder House, Uptown Frames, Agate Gardens, Johnson Gallery, Rick Cook Gallery, Artist's Nook, TriAngle Square Art Gallery, Quilter's Corner, Dana's Trading Post, Point B Studio, Freshwater Gallery, and Hawthorne Gallery.
The 101st Brookings Second Saturday Art Walk
by Nola Range
A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store is the northernmost venue on the Brookings Second Saturday Art Walk. Above, Merri Cook, co-owner of A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store, with Verna Pooler, local watercolor artist and member of The Chetco Photography Association, enjoying the 101st Art Walk on November 10.
Photo by Agatha Conrad
Michaeline McDonald is one of the local artists showing at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store. During the Art Walk Michaeline discussed her work with visitors.
Photo by Agatha Conrad
Michaeline McDonald specializes in pet and wildlife portraits.
Photo by Agatha Conrad
Michaeline with a horse portrait. See more of Michaeline's work on her website.
Photo by Agatha Conrad
Hither Thither and Yon performed at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store during the 101st Brookings Second Saturday Art Walk.
Photo by Agatha Conrad
Giraffes on a Raft (Shirley Hyatt and John Boye) performed at Manley Art Center during first half of the Art Walk. Marshall Thompson took over for the second half.
Photo by Nola Range
Brookings Watercolor Artist and Art Instructor, Janeen Vick, led an interactive "Paint along" in the classroom at Manley Art Center.
Photo by Nola Range
Babs Aydelott shows the tree she completed during Janeen Vick's "Paint along" at Manley.
Photo by Agatha Conrad
Elwyn Bowker is Artist of the Month at Manley Art Center's Gallery. You can see Elwyn's Intarsia (Artistry with wood) at Manley during the entire month of November. See Elwyn's website for more about the artist and images of his work.
Photo by Nola Range
The Italian Dancers performed at Wright's Custom Framing during the Art Walk.
Photos by Agatha Conrad
Carl Rovainen and Friends provided music at Wright's.
Photo by Agatha Conrad
Digital Photographer Gale Steelman is November's Featured Artist at Wright's Custom Framing.
Photo by Agatha Conrad
Wolf by Gale Steelman
Digital Photography by Gale Steelman is available at Wright's Custom Framing.
See more of Gale Steelman's work.
Photo by Agatha Conrad
Custom made journals by Courtney Danielle are now available at Gypsies. The journals feature leather covers and acid free 100% cotton paper and are bound with waxed linen thread.
Photo by Nola Range
"Sweet O Knits" by Tina Henderson - Socks and scarves at Dottie's Corner.
Photo by Agatha Conrad
Connie Lundquist of C Wind Mobiles shows one of her driftwood and bead mobiles that is available at Feather Your Nest.
Photo by Agatha Conrad
Detail of a Driftwood and Bead mobile by C Wind Mobiles.
Photo by Agatha Conrad
Karina and Marco having fun with Italian Cafe Music at Dewey's Digs.
Photo by Nola Range
At the Dewey's Digs "Theatre" Angela Ewing read two humorous stories -- the conclusion of "Albert and The Lion" and "My Old Flame".
Photo by Nola Range
The Lion's Community Calendar for 2013 was the colorful background for Angela's stage.
Photo by Nola Range
Lon Goddard and Aura Wright at Art Walk Alley Antiques.
Photo by Nola Range
John Boye of Giraffes on a Raft (far right) joined Taste O'Honey for a number at Brian Scott Gallery.
Photo by Nola Range
Saun Stone of Taste O'Honey at Brian Scott Gallery.
Photo by Nola Range
Art Walkers enjoying the performance by Taste O'Honey at Brian Scott Gallery.
Photo by Nola Range
Art Walk founder Horst Wolf with Brian Scott at Brian Scott Gallery.
Photo by Nola Range
Christina Olsen with some of her latest pottery creations at Brian Scott Gallery. See more on her website.
The scarves on the left are by "Handwoven by Jane" - see more of Jane's scarves and her latest ponchos on her website. Art Walk evening was the coldest one in a long time. I wore one of Jane's handwoven ponchos and kept toasty all night.
Photo by Nola Range
Nola Range
Thursday, November 8, Joan Eddy, a member of the Mudslingers, will do a demonstration on creating a clay pot. The demonstration will follow the November General Meeting and Potluck of PBAA at Manley Art Center. The meeting begins at 11 am, the Potluck at noon and the demonstration at 12:30. The public is welcome to attend any or all of the above events.
Left: Joan Eddy at the Mudslinger's Art Walk raku demo in June 2012
Elwyn Bowker will be exhibiting Intarsia (wood art) at Manley Art Center during the month of November. You can read an article about Bowker in the Manley Art Center Newsletter (click on the TIDE image in the right column). Manley Art Center's Hours are 11 to 4 Tuesday through Sunday - Closed on Mondays.
Photo by Violet Burton