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The Brookings Plein Air Artists at Cherish the Chetco on Saturday.
Left to right - Verna Pooler, Kathy Huxley, Ed and Catherine Wiley and Audi Stanton.
Kathy Huxley and Eva Klaas painted river scenes in oil.
Audi Stanton filled a sketch book with pen and watercolor images of people enjoying a day at the river.
Kids who attended Cherish the Chetco were provided with paint, brushes and paper and enthusiastically enjoyed painting river scenes.
Kathy Huxley painted her view eastward on the Chetco.
Verna Pooler worked in watercolor.|
Almost finished...
Verna's completed watercolor of the Chetco River.
Eva Klaas finished an oil of the river and went on to paint a Sheriff's Marine Patrol vehicle at the river's edge.
It was a lovely day to celebrate the river.
Drop in Art Workshop
Instructor Sara Broderick
Wright’s Frame Shop/Gallery
810 Chetco Ave
Critique, Demonstrations & Individual Instruction
Discover collage as a true art form and means for personal exploration. Topics and suggestions provided to get you started. Rich and varied collage material provided including three dimensional.
Two meetings, one in Gold Beach, one in Brookings.
Come to one or both: $18 for one class, $30 for two classes.
Saturday October 6, Gold Beach Center, 10AM – 12:30PM
Saturday, October 13, Curry Campus in Brookings, 9:30AM – 12PM
Call SWOCC 541-247-2741 for registration
Linda 541-469-0140 for information
No experience needed, classes are for artists and "non"-artists
Come to Manley Art Center for an evening of fun, food, and recycled treasures. A $5 entry fee includes lots of great finger foods and desserts, beverages, and a chance to bid on some really fun art. All of the recycled treasures have been painted by PBAA artists, including Christina Olsen, Pete Chasar, Vi and Len Burton, Mary Isaccson, Janice Guernsey, Barbara Jervis, Nola Range and more.
All September Art Walk photos are by Agatha Conrad. Agatha usually covers the northern Art Walk Venues, but since Nola was a truant this month, Aggie made several more stops to include all of this month's Special Events.
Merri Cook (co-owner with Jack) of A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store, offered refreshments to Art Walk Visitors.
Gold Beach Artist Todd Steele is showing at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store, and enjoyed visiting with fans during the Art Walk.
Todd's wife, Jeanne Steele (Artist J.M. Steele to her collectors), showing off Todd's work at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.
Sidewalk display at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.
Chetco Pharmacy and Gifts is showing Spencer Reynolds eclectic surf art and Spencer greeted Art Walk participants and discussed his work.
The Boondock Band at Wright's Custom Framing.
Dale Wells demonstrated watercolor painting at Wright's where you can see more of his work in the Gallery, along with the work of Barbara Edmiston, Warren Dowler, Vi Burton, Steve Tadin, Mike Tompkins, Gary Vickerman, Gwen Childs, Len Burton, Sara Broderick, Wayne Bricco, and Jane Opiat.
Laurie Johnson and her students gave a demonstration of "Tum Pai Tai Chi" at Wright's.
Spectrum Sound at Feather Your Nest.
Marge Norvelle demonstrated beaded jewelry making at Feather Your Nest.
Entertainers Hither, Thither and Yon visited with an Art Walk Guest at Dewey's Digs.
"Do It Yourself Art" on the walls at Dewey's Digs.
Here comes Horst Wolf with a cake... must be someone's birthday!
Marge Woodfin! She just keeps having birthdays!!! The cake is signed by the Limericists who performed at Dewey's Digs.
Dori Blodgett holds the cake for Marge to blow out the candles, while Pilot Photographer and Features Editor Bill Schlichting looks on.
Line up for Marge's birthday cake!
At Brian Scott Gallery, author Wendy Bertrand talked about her years in faraway places and held a book signing.
Giraffes on a Raft entertained and talked about "The Swing Era", playing examples.
This "swing" dancing couple delighted everyone.
Thank you Aggie for the great photos.
To see more art that was seen during the September Art Walk and can be seen through the month of September at Brookings Galleries, just scroll down...
RUMORS! The truth may be far less sensational, but let's circulate some juicy facts anyway. Nola has not stopped photographing the Art Walk. The October Art Walk will be not be the last one. The Art Walk is not closing down but will become better than ever.
The Brookings Second Saturday Art Walk has grown from a walkable event on the south end of town to a townwide event that requires 99% of the participants to do some driving between venues. It's a hike, not a walk, to go from Manley Art Center and the Library to A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.
Most Art Walk Participants look over the Art Walk Flyer and choose the venues and activities that most appeal to them, then visit others if there is still time. The Art Walk photographer's goal is to visit every venue and be present at every special event. Photographing every venue of the Art Walk requires a rigid by-the-minute schedule. To make it to every one and also be at each venue that is holding a special event, at the time of the event, is a challenge.
During the June Art Walk I ran into Photographer Agatha Conrad, with her camera, at Brian Scott/Signatures Gallery. I asked her if she would like to help photograph the Art Walk. She agreed and asked to take the northern venues as they are in easy walking distance from where she lives. In July and August this worked very well and more of the venues were covered more thoroughly than usual.
Plans for the Brookings Second Saturday Art Walk reach well into the future. A team of highly qualified people have joined co-founders Horst Wolf and Dale Wells to make sure it continues going strong. Pete Chasar, Christina Olsen, Lynn Guild and Bill Schlichting will play an even bigger role than they have in the past. Shirley Hyatt will continue to be in charge of music for the venues.
The September Art Walk will be the 99th! And I will miss it due to the unfortunate scheduling of another event. I've done a Thursday Art Walk on my own and photographed what several of the southern Brookings venues have hung for this Saturday's Art Walk - see below. Aggie will photograph the northernmost venues and as much as she can of everything else on Saturday during the Art Walk and the photos will be posted here.
Enjoy the 99th Art Walk and I'll see you in October for #100!
Nola Range
Print a Flyer for the Saturday,September 8 Art Walk
Preview of some of the Art Walk Venues:
Manley Art Center
At the September Art Walk you can preview the Recycled Treasures at Manley before the Auction on September 15.
Members of the Pelican Bay Arts Association are planning an auction of hand decorated items. Proceeds will benefit the Scholarship Fund for High School Seniors. The Recycled Treasures Auction will be held at Manley Art Center at 5 pm on Saturday, September 15. A $5 entry fee covers food and drinks.
Nancy Moore Hope
Artist of the Month at Manley Art Center
Nancy paints in watercolor, acrylics and oil. She is currently painting wildlife and florals in oil.
Some of Nancy Moore Hope's florals currently on display at Manley Art Center.
Three wildlife and floral paintings by Nancy Moore Hope at Manley Art Center.
Left is a seascape by Tom Moody and right are three still life oils by Kathy Huxley.
An oil by James McCarten, a sculpture by Donna Goss and two acrylics by Pete Chasar. All will be on display during September at Manley Art Center.
Brian Scott and Signatures Galleries
Christina Olsen is showing hand painted glass vases along with her ceramic collection.
An oil by Frank Gustafson that won an award at a juried art show.
Jewelry and such by Jewell Johnson
See Jewel Johnson's display in the window at Brian Scott/Signatures Gallery during September.
Jan Kunz and Kevin Roeckl at Signatures Gallery. Kevin Roeckl is a local artist who uses colored pencil and acrylic. He "specializes in capturing the soul and essence of the individual he portrays, whether it's a beloved pet, grandchild, friend, or partner." Roeckl is accepting portrait commissions at this time - phone 541-469-7673.
Salon Dolce
See the work of David Twining at Salon Dolce this month. He was trained using the Ansel Adams Zone Exposure System by photographer Rex Combs.
Twinings photographs have been exhibited in Greece, England, New York, Pittsburg, Chicago, San Francisco, Bellingham, and Brookings. His display at Salon Dolce includes both color and black and white work.
Chetco Community Library
The Library's exhibit for September reflects the theme of the "Cherish the Chetco" event coming later this month.
On Friday, Sept 21 from 7 to 9 pm the Library presents "Wild and Scenic River Night". An evening of speakers, slides, film and exhibits, featuring noted river author/photographer Tim Palmer and Chetco River adventurer Slade Sapora. The following day there will be activities up the river, including a morning birding walk, morning stewardship projects, and a River Fair from 1 to 5 pm at Redwood Bar (bring a picnic lunch).
Left and right are river scenes by Audi Stanton, with another by Len Burton in the center.
Buzz Stewart's Chetco River scene.
Four small river oils by Kathy Huxley.
Watercolor river scenes by Jennifer Thompson and Buzz Stewart.
Pete Chasar's acrylic of fishing on the Chetco.
Watercolor by Verna Pooler.
Oils of river scenes by Eva Marie Klaas at the Library.
Audi Stanton is currently showing her large acrylic collages in the small gallery at Wright's Custom Framing in Brookings. (509 Chetco Ave. 541-469-7900) The first reaction people have is: WOW! She has always had a passion for metal sculptures, but was never inclined to make them herself. She invented a way to have faux metal sculptures in spite of not ever working with metals. Her work is made from heavy watercolor paper painted with metallic acrylic paints and enhanced with various textures. They cast wonderful shadows on the wall because they are hung a little bit away from the wall at any angle you like! Certainly decorator pieces. Some of the acrylic collages are very colorful, happy and fun. For example: "Yellow and Blue Jazz" and "Carnival" will put a big smile on your face! An outstanding show.