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Dusanka Kralj will hold a
Texturing and Layering Workshop
Wright's Custom Framing
810 Chetco Avenue in Brookings
Saturday, August 18
9 am to 5 pm
Sign up at Wright's or Phone 541-469-7900
$80.00 plus Supplies
An Introduction to Pastels Workshop
will be taught by Sandy Bonney
Wright's Custom Framing
810 Chetco Avenue in Brookings
Saturday, September 22
9 AM - 4 PM
$50.00 plus supplies
Sign up Today at Wright's
or phone
Drop in Art Workshop
Instructor Sara Broderick
[email protected]
Wright’s Frame Shop/Gallery
810 Chetco Ave
Critique, Demonstrations and
Individual Instruction
All drawing and painting mediums
Graphite, Charcoal, Ink, Oil, Acrylic,
Watercolor, or Pastels
Friday 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Brookings-Harbor Lions Club is pleased to thank the community for donating 151 photography entries for the fundraiser calendar project. The 12-month "2013 Community Calendar" will be featuring the work of the following photographers:
Judy Bowker (2), Richard Glenn (2), Brenda Hanin (1), Dan Hanin (2), Jake Johnson (2), Richard Leathers (1), Declan Medina (1) and Karen Rogers (1). Other submissions and requested community activities are used as mini inserts throughout the calendar.
All proceeds from our Lions calendar fundraiser benefits the local community scholarship and sight/hearing programs. Be sure to look for the $10.00 Brookings-Harbor Lions Club limited edition "2013 Community Calendar" at participating locations starting this August.
Brookings-Harbor Lions Club
Joan and Jenna Willis, Lions Design Team "Calendar Girls"
Summer Art Camp for Kids Age 7 to 16
Wright's Custom Framing and Art Supplies
810 Chetco Avenue, Brookings
9 am to Noon
Mondays - Tuesdays - Wednesdays
June 18 through August 1
Instructor: Janeen Vick
$6 per child per day
$120 for all 21 Summer Classes
More than one child in the family?
2nd and 3rd children pay half price.
The American Music Festival's first 2012 Concert in the Park (at Azalea Park in Brookings) will be held this Sunday, June 17, beginning at 1 pm. Admission is FREE!
See and Print the entire Schedule of Eight Concerts for Summer 2012
Brookings-Harbor Community Theater presents “The Boarding House” at the Harbor Performing Arts Center in the Brookings-Harbor Shopping Center.
Friday, June 22, 7:30 pm
Saturday, June 23, 7:30 pm
Sunday, June 24, 2 pm
Friday, June 29, 7:30 pm
Saturday, June 30, 7:30 pm
Sunday, July 1, 2 pm
$10 for general admission, $9 for seniors and $7 for students
Tickets available at Wright’s Custom Framing and Art Supplies in Brookings,New Wave Video in Harbor and at the door.
Call 541-469-4700 or 541-661-2473 for reservations and information.
This classic comdey hit received a standing ovation on opening night at the Chetco Playhouse. See the link below for clips from the performance.
Remaining performance dates are 15th, 16th, and 17th. And June 22nd, 23rd, and 24th at 7:30 pm at the Chetco Playhouse.
Chetco Pelican Players
PO Box 2712
Harbor, Or 97415
phone: 541-469-1857
e-mail: [email protected]
Valerie Tucker’s art is featured in “Exotic Gardens” at the Gallery of Arts and Culture, 175 H Street, Crescent City, California from June 16 through September 14, 2012.
This series was inspired by a 37-acre garden in southern California called Lotusland. The show includes botanical drawings, sculptural assemblages, oil paintings and a special installation created on site in the gallery.
In Valerie’s words: “I was especially attracted to the playful quality of the Lotusland gardens, so most of the plants represented in the paintings are whimsical creations from my own imagination. Rather than merely depicting the plants, the intent is to describe the emotional responses the gardens evoke in the viewer. The exotic and fanciful elements transport our imaginations to new and yet undiscovered paths.”
The opening reception will be held on Friday, June 29 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. During the evening, there will also be a drawing for a free painting!
Michaeline McDonald did an acrylic painting demonstration at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store during the June Art Walk.
Michaeline McDonald's painting in progress and a display of her finished work at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.
This Art Walk venue shows the work of so many local artists that it could be known as A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store and Art Gallery.
Karina and Marco are always having fun and make sure that everyone else does too with their Italian Cafe Music.
Bonnie Loewen found a comfortable table at Sweet Pea Cafe to do some drawing. Bonnie paints oils as well as reupholstering furniture and teaching drawing at a local care facility.
A painting of redwoods by Bonnie Loewen is tucked in among Sweet Pea's other collectables.
A Bonnie Loewen seascape at Sweet Pea Confections and Collectables.
Bonnie drawing a trio of ceramic birds and their reflections in a mirror; all items she found at Sweet Pea Confections and Collectables.
Sara Broderick with the pastel portrait she was working on during the Azalea Festival Art Show. The display on the right shows the progression of the painting - beginning with a photograph (because young girls don't like to sit still very long).
This month at Wrights you can see a show of work by Sara Broderick's students at SOCC, College of the Redwoods, and Wrights Custom Framing Friday Workshop.
Student Work - SOCC/College of the Redwoods, and Wrights Friday Workshop
Student Work - SOCC/College of the Redwoods, and Wrights Friday Workshop
After seven years of playing the keyboard during the Art Walk, Tom Broderick has retired. Sara pursuaded him to play again at Wrights in June. Thank you Sara. Thank you Tom. Tom's music will be missed.
Janeen Vick's students demonstrated their painting skills during the Art Walk at Wrights.
A show of Janeen Vick's Students work can be seen all month at Wrights.
Marge Norvell demonstrated making hand-made beaded jewelry at Feather Your Nest. Among those who came to watch was Donna Henderson, whose fine bead work was showcased at Salon Dolce last month.
Close up of some of Marge Norvell's hand-made beaded jewelry at Feather Your Nest.
Christine Ricketts and Connie Lind - C and C Art Glass Studio, show their work at Feather Your Nest, including hanging stained glass pieces, embossed goblets, trays, bowls, and more.
Whimsical garden stakes by C and C... available at Feather Your Nest.
Spectrum Sound on the deck at Feather Your Nest.
The Chetco Community Library is showing the second place winners and honorable mentions from the Azalea Festival Art Show during June.
The ever popular Marshall Thompson entertained at Salon Dolce.
Salon Dolce is showing watercolors by several of Audi Stanton's students this month, including: Annie Rings, Kandi Legg, Lyn Smith, Elmo Williams, Diana Chasar, Kathy Brattain, and Cindy Murati.
Downstairs at Salon Dolce - High School art is on display.
Bill Schlichting found a cozy spot to enjoy the High School Art, along with esthetician Danielle Doyle.
Hither, Thither and Yon in Art Walk Alley outside of Dewey's Digs.
Horst Wolf interviewed Brian Scott at Brian Scott Gallery. Brian talked about the history of the gallery and the restaurants. Signatures Gallery now fills half the walls of the gallery with the work of internationally known artists and Brian Scott Gallery fills the other half with local artists' work (a plan that keeps both galleries viable in our current economy).
Brian Scott - photo by Agatha Conrad.
Karen Vogl has a show called "Art of the Possible" at the offices of Dr. William McDougall
Karen Vogl creates art by assembling discarded objects.
Most of these pieces are hung in private homes and not usually available for show.
The base for this charming totum is primarily tiki cups from Hawaii that Karen cut in half.
Giraffes on a Raft in the Gallery at Manley Art Center.
Manley Art Center and Gallery is showing the First Place and Special Award winners of the Azalea Festival Art Show.
Maryjane Carlson and the Mud Slingers pottery group held a Raku firing on the lawn at Manley Art Center and Gallery. Here Maryjane is looking inside the kiln through a small hole to see if the pieces are ready. A temperature probe has reached the appropriate temperature, but Maryjane knows from experience that the pieces are not yet ready. They don't look right.
When they were ready and the kiln cover was removed the pieces glowed from the heat.
Moments later the glow was gone and the pieces were picked up with tongs
and placed in a barrel of coals and burning straw.
Maryjane moving a fired piece to a barrel.
Cilde Grover, President of Pelican Bay Arts Association, is a member of The Mudslingers.
Cilde checking on a pottery piece in the barrel.
Joan Eddy removing a piece from the burning barrell - Photo by Agatha Conrad
Joan Eddy moving a pottery piece from the smoking barrel to...
Photo by Agatha Conrad
a tub of water to cool it down.
The Mudslingers pose with a table full of finished Raku pieces.
Photo by Agatha Conrad
Agatha Conrad photographing High School art downstairs at Salon Dolce. Can you tell - Agatha really likes red! Next month Agatha will be officially taking Art Walk Photographs for wildriverscoastart.com - so smile when you see her coming. Two photographers can cover more venues each month.
Drop in Art Workshop
Instructor Sara Broderick
[email protected]
Wright’s Frame Shop/Gallery
810 Chetco Ave
Critique, Demonstrations &
Individual Instruction
All drawing and painting mediums
Graphite, Charcoal, Ink, Oil, Acrylic,
Watercolor, or Pastels
Fridays 1:00 - 4:00 pm
$12.00 each session
Friday June 8 there will be a painting
demonstration of sunflowers using
liquid inks painting in a watercolor style.
No workshops on Fridays of holiday weekends.
Sara will be on vacation June 15 and 22.
June 8th is right around the corner, and that means Arsenic and Old Lace! Come down to the Chetco Playhouse and break in your summer with a classic comedy hit. Two little old ladies with a taste for murder, a man who believes he's the president, a wanted serial killer, and a plastic surgeon with a drinking problem make for a hilarious fiasco full of chaos and confusion. With Sean Paul Farris as Mortimer Brewster, Mary Anne Trailor and Bj Farris as Martha and Abby Brewster respectively, and Steven Scruggs as Jonathan Brewster, you're sure to lose yourself in the chemistry these actors and actresses bring to the stage. Coupled with the obvious talent from the rest of the cast, the performances are top notch, the hilarity is constant, and the fun is never-ending. Whether you know the play or the movie, or you're just hearing about it for the first time, it's an experience you won't soon forget. Performance dates are June 8th, 9th, and 10th. June 15th, 16th, and 17th. And June 22nd, 23rd, and 24th at 7:30 pm at the Chetco Playhouse.