« March 2012 | Main | May 2012 »
The Stout Mountain Railway Club will set up the garden for Armed Forces Day on May 19th. We are assembling a special train as a salute to our Armed Forces. We are looking for any G scale military train cars or other vehicles/boats. (1/24 scale). The Azaleas in Stout Park should be at their peak. Hope to see you there.
"Monkey Tango" by Christina Olsen
Join Horst, Sara Dee and Christina in depicting Brian Scott's prized plastic APE! (Yep, you read that correctly!)
Call to Artists Bay Area Artists' Association 2012 Pony Village Mall Open Show Show Chair: Kay VanWart (541) 266-8727
Location: Across from Claire's in Pony Village Mall, 1611 Virginia Ave, North Bend
Ribbons will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and honorable mention in each category. There will also be a “Best of Show” and “People’s Choice” award.
Submission Guidelines, Sign up, and other Info
To celebrate Redfish Rocks and our connection to the sea, the Redfish Rocks Community Team (RRCT) is hosting an “Ocean Inspired Art” art contest and auction. Ocean lovers who create art of the ocean or our local community stewardship area are encouraged to enter!
Featuring live music from the Pistol River Trio
Please contact the Redfish Rocks Community Team Staff for additional information: [email protected] or 541.373.1861 or stop by our office at 444 Jackson Street
Kelly Sparks M.Sc.
Project Coordinator
Redfish Rocks Community Team
444 Jackson Street
PO BOX 679
Port Orford, OR 97465
PH: 541.373.1861
FAX: 541-332-1170
[email protected]
The Gallery of Arts and Culture would like to announce our Student Art Show April 20 - May 25. This show will feature artwork by preschool through high school students and will include watercolor paintings, colored pencil and graphite drawings, collage, ceramics, mosaics, and more.
The reception is Friday, April 20th 4-7pm. Guest speaker artist Garretta Lamore will give a presentation at 6pm and music by Steve Berg.
Hope to see you there!
Michele Moschetti
Art Director
The Gallery of Arts and Culture
175 H Street Crescent City, CA
Claudia Mach is showing her work at salon dolce during April. If you missed the Art Walk, stop by during business hours any time in April.
Giraffes on a Raft created a lively atmosphere at salon dolce during the April Art Walk.
Dusanka Kralj is Artist of the Month at Wright's Custom Framing.
Dusanka demonstrated how she uses the various gel mediums made by Golden Acrylics.
Lorna Rodriguez performed flute solos at Wright's during the Art Walk.
The Chetco Activity Center is showing acrylics and oils by Bonnie Loewen. Warren Barr played acoustic light rock during the Art Walk.
At A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store, Marianne Werner showed her photographs from around the world, including some gorgeous starfish taken at local tide pools.
Karina and Marco provided Italian Cafe Music at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.
Hither, Thither, and Yon performed at Dewey's Digs where large sheets of white paper covered the walls and Art Walk participants were invited to draw on the walls.
Ann Ostrowski and Bill Schlichting creating works of art on the wall at Dewey's Digs.
Is Bill composing a new piece for Hither, Thither and Yon?
Diane Price is Artist of the Month at Manley Art Center. She gave a talk/demo during the Art Walk.
Art Walkers enjoying Diane Price's exhibit at Manley Art Center.
Manley's theme for April is "Small Things.
"Resonance", Brookings new choir, at the Chetco Library. They performed a preview of their upcoming concert on April 22.
Pete Chasar interviewed popular local artist and art instructor, Sara Broderick, at Brian Scott Gallery.
Looks like a fabulous new bakery in Brookings! No, this is Audi Stanton's baker's rack full of "Incredible Inedibles" at Brian Scott Gallery.
Audi with Buzz Stewart. Audi explained to Art Walkers how she created all these lovely "desserts".
Four Pelican Players from the cast of "Annie Get Your Gun" performed at Brian Scott Gallery.
Can't wait to go and see the entire show. Tickets are available for performances at 7:30 on Fridays and Saturdays, April 20, 21, 27 and 28 and at 2 pm on Sundays, April 15, 22 and 29 -- at the Chetco Playhouse, 1240 Chetco Avenue, Brookings. Call 541-469-1857 for information.
Host Horst Wolf "pouring". Thankfully wine was all that was pouring - no rain for the April Art Walk. The Range Brothers enjoyed the evening's entertainment at Brian Scott Gallery, and the rest of the Art Walk, as did we all.
J.M. Steele is participating in Salon International 2012 at the Greenhouse Gallery of Fine Art in San Antonio, Texas. This is a juried exhibition of oil paintings. The show opened on Friday, April 13. Click for more info.
Mortimer Brewster: 18 - 30
Elaine Harper: 18 - 30
Abby Brewster: 40+
Martha Brewster: 40+
Teddy Brewster: 30+
Jonathan Brewster: 20-30
Dr. Einstein: 20-30
Dr. Harper: 40+
Dr. Witherspoon: 30+
Officer Brophy: 20+
Officer Klein: 20+
Officer O'Hara:20+
Lieutenant Rooney:30+
Mr. Gibbs: 30+
A native Minnesotan, I came to Brookings via Southern California, New York, Europe, a "previous life" here in the Pacific Northwest, Hawaii, Yellowstone and Death Valley National Parks.
My formal education put me in the world of computer analysis and programming which led to the wonderful world of audio/visual multi-image as a writer/producer/director and photographer. I had the privilege of traveling far and wide.
A secondary career in food and beverage with major hotels had me traveling even more...all the while with my trusty 35mm camera, sketchpad and journal. I found myself day-dreaming about painting the wonderful people, wildlife and the incredible scenery I've encountered.
Several years ago I made the decision to take an art class to fulfill my dream of "becoming an artist". (I have been drawing since childhood and took a few awards as a teenager, but "life" got in the way as I pursued a different higher education to be able to make a living. I never quit sketching everything I saw though.)
What a joy it was to see my "black and white" world of pen, ink and graphite sketches turn into glowing color!
Watercolor mesmerizes me. A medium I refer to as a "controlled accident". Something which represents itself as a constant "trial and error".......demanding and real planning, yet letting the colors do their thing also.
My preference is to paint faces and wildlife scenes that evoke an emotional response in the viewer. I do a lot of photography, but now it's digital and am still learning that process!
I've been juried in at the "Made in California" exhibit, Brea, California, as well as the Orange County Fair and the Guggenheim Gallery at Chapman University. I've won numerous 1st place awards, most recently at the 2010 Azalea Festival and the Curry County Fair as well as "purchase" awards and the "Winsor and Newton" Award for excellence in watercolor. I am also proud to say I have many pieces of my art in private collections in the U.S. and Canada.
I am proud to be a member of the Pelican Bay Arts Association in Brookings and was a member of the Orange Art Association and Studio 250 while living in southern California. I find I am constantly trying to expand my artistic expressions, no matter what the medium!
Diane Price
A wonderful show of Diane Price's work is now showing at Manley Art Center in Brookings. See it during the Art Walk on Saturday, April 14 from 4 to 7 pm, or during the rest of April during Manley's regular hours.
Manley Art Center
433 Oak Street
Brookings, OR 97415
HOURS: Tues - Sun 11 am to 4 pm
Four Oregon coast artists, wanting the ultimate painting challenge depicting the figure, have used live models from which to design, draw, and paint from life for several years. While they have successfully submitted their work to regional, state, and national shows, the final satisfaction has been getting together to have fun. This exhibition is a collaboration of their works, with fresh, lively brushwork and colors that breathe life into paintings executed in watercolor, acrylic, and oil.
Alexandra Eyer – Watercolor & Oil
Lorraine Filippone – Acrylic & Oil
Pat Renner – Watercolor & Acrylic
J.M.Steele – Oil & Acrylic
Landscape Photo Competition 2012
Deadline for entries: June 30th, 2012
Entry is FREE
Burrard-Lucas Photography has launched a landscape photo competition. They are looking for striking, original and beautiful landscape photographs taken anywhere in the world. For some inspiration, checkout the results of last year’s Landscape Photo Contest. The deadline is 30th June 2012.
The grand prize is the chance to win the Canon EOS 60D Digital SLR camera.
The Canon EOS 60D is designed for photographers who want to take their skills to the next level, offering high performance, a series of creative features, a Vari-angle LCD screen and enhanced ergonomics, this camera empowers photography enthusiasts to capture outstanding stills and Full High Definition (HD) video for unique, creative results. The EOS 60D has an incredible feature set including an 18 MP APS-C CMOS sensor, a Vari-angle 7.7cm 3:2 ratio LCD, Full HD movies, ISO 100-6400 (H:12800), 5.3fps shooting for up to 58 JPEGs, 9-point cross type AF System and more!
There are also the following additional prizes provided by Committed Photography:
Winner: 16×24 framed print of your winning shot (estimated value of $250)
Runners up x 2: 16×24 prints unframed (value of $50 each)