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AUGUST 13 through AUGUST 17
Pistol River/Rogue River/Chetco River/Winchuck River/Smith River
Meet as a group and paint one or all of the rivers.
(Bring a sack lunch/water)
No fee to register for Five Rivers, Five Days Plein Air Festival
Enter Quick Draw contest at the
Renaissance by the Sea, August 18th
at the Port of Brookings Harbor
to be considered for Peoples’s Choice Award.
Contest will begin at 11 AM so check in
at the information booth prior to that time.
$5.00 fee.
Included with People’s Choice Award is a month of showing at the Brian Scott/Signatures Gallery in Brookings and featured for the September 2nd Saturday Art Walk. Gallery terms and conditions, including commission fees applies.
Contact Violet or Len Burton for maps
and paint out times.
(541) 469-9522
[email protected]
“Learn By Doing”: A Grant Writing Workshop Series offered to arts, heritage and humanities nonprofit organizations in Curry County in the Spring of 2012, is hosted by the Oregon Coast Council for the Arts and Rural Development Initiatives with generous financial support from The Ford Family Foundation, and The Oregon Arts Commission. Also made possible by local community partners including: Pelican Bay Arts Association, Port Orford Public Library, Curry Public Library District/Friends of the Library (Gold Beach).
The workshop series is designed to help beginning and intermediate grant writers working in arts, heritage and humanities nonprofit organizations. The series will help participants plan, write and successfully attain grant funding from local and regional funding sources. They will actively work on different elements of grant proposals during class and through homework assignments. Participants will meet with funders and hear about available grant programs. There will also be opportunities for review of grant work that is completed by participants during the course of the series.
Arts, Heritage and Humanities organizations in Curry County are encouraged to bring more than one board member, staff or volunteer from each organization. Please bring proposals that your organization is currently working on and ideas for proposals that you’d like to start. The cost for the series (including lunches) is $75 per person. Early registration is encouraged; the series will be limited to twenty-six participants.
Series Schedule: The four part series will be offered at The Port Orford Public Library in Port Orford Oregon and will be held on Thursdays from 11:00 am – 4:00 pm (the class will include a lunch), except the last session will be on a Wednesday. The schedule for the series will be as follows:
Session 1: April 12 Positioning Your Organization to
be Grant Smart
Funder Presentation: TBD
Session 2: April 26 Grant Review, Project Planning
Tools and Practice
Funder Presentation: TBD
Session 3: May 10 Budgeting and Capacity Building
Funder Presentation: TBD
Session 4: May 23 Project Evaluation, Grant Review
and Organizational Site Visits
Funder Presentation: TBD
The workshop sessions will be facilitated by Meredith Howell, a grant writer and a Regional Program Coordinator for Rural Development Initiatives.
Arts, Heritage and Humanities organizations in Curry County have until March 30th to register. At that time registration is open to all nonprofit organizations in Curry County.
Please call Catherine Rickbone, Executive Director, The Oregon Coast Council for the Arts, 541-574-2652 to make your reservations. Registration not complete without payment.
The Mandelring Quartet with Katarzyna Mycka,
Marimba Virtuoso,
Sunday, March 18, 2012, 3:00 pm
Calvary Assembly of God Church.
$15 General Admission
FREE for students
The program includes Mendelssohn's "Baratholy String Quartet in D major Op. 44 No. 1," Sejourne's "Concerto for Marimba and String Quartet," Debussy's "string Quartet in G minor Op. 10", and Rosauro's "Concerto for Marimba and String Quartet."
The Mandelring Quartet has emerged in recent years as one of the leading string quartets of the younger generation and has performed at some of the world’s most prestigious concert halls.
In addition to regular concert engagements throughout Germany, The Mandelring Quartet tours many of the major European concert centers.
Audi Stanton's show at the Chetco Library this month is called "Chasing Challenges in Paint". You'll see several styles of Audi's diverse artwork at the Library.
The Library also presented Hither, Thither and Yon on bouzouki and guitar during the March Art Walk.
Audi discussing her work with Art Walkers Noel Hanna and Ken Range.
Lorelei Hanna admiring Audi's painting of a young girl in a chair.
In April Audi's latest "Delightful" Challenge will be seen at Brian Scott Gallery. You'll never guess what she is up to now...
While at the Library we heard that artist Ronnie MacIntosh had been murdered and everyone's help was needed, so we were off to try to identify the culprit.
Our first suspect was Mother Inferior at Art Walk Alley Antiques... hmmmm, we think she is innocent.
Giraffes on a Raft entertained at Art Walk Alley Antiques.
The Chetco Photographers Association put out a delicious spread of edibles. Dewey's Digs was packed with Art Walkers enjoying the show and the food...
and the music by Jurassic Country.
Photographers participating in the show at Dewey's Digs included:
Pat Bisgrove, Francisca Van Lith, Garth Richey, Jeanne Krause, Verna Pooler, Bil Krause, Dave Gordon, Kerry Clark, Karen Mosdell, Dawn Phillips, Valerie Van Cleve, Dinah Lake, and Nancy McClelland.
Verna Pooler (right) discussing her solo exhibit at salon dolce with Art Walker Lorelei Hanna. You can see her exhibit for the rest of March.
Ma Terra (Mother Earth) - Acoustic Folk duo Taravali and Bethany, entertained at salon dolce.
A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store presented Celtic music featuring Ann Bogner and The Fine Companions.
The World's Tallest Leprechaun greeted Art Walkers at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.
Len Burton demonstrated painting on seashells - here he is painting a penguin on an oyster shell.
Contemporary Realist Sandy Bonney is showing her oils, pastels, and prints at the new offices of Dr. William McDougall (648 Chetco Avenue across from the Redwood Theater). Who made those delicious potato cocktails?
Close up of one of Sandy Bonney's paintings.
Lon Goddard and Aura Wright entertained at Manley Art Center.
Buzz Stewart is March Artist of the Month at Manley.
During the March Art Walk Buzz Stewart (Center) did a complete painting... Artist friends Pete Chasar (left) and Jay Mosby (right) came by to give Buzz a critique...
And here are two more murder suspects, Vera Sin and Captain Pastings... Pastings doesn't look like he would hurt anyone, but we're not so sure about Miss Sin.
Here's Ronnie! Surrounded by empty Champagne bottles in front of the fireplace at Brian Scott Gallery.
And here's Horst claiming that he didn't do it.
Tom Broderick kept a cool head and played on in spite of the ruckus and Christina Olsen fingerprinting suspicious Art Walkers.
Spectrum Sound entertained at Wright's Custom Framing.
Pat Brewer is showing his photography at Wrights.
Close ups of a couple of Pat Brewer's outstanding images of local scenes.
Rogues Gallery at Wrights... all the Murder Suspects gathered in one place. Each claimed that they didn't do it, and no one appeared more innocent than Vera Sin in her black evening gown and fur stole - but the Art Walkers weren't all fooled. Many of them identified Miss Sin as the murderer. The names of five of the sleuths who chose Vera Sin were drawn for prizes. Each prize included tickets to performances at The Brookings Harbor Community Theater plus a choice of an art related item donated by local artists.
Toasting a fine Art Walk and two Murder Mystery Prize Winners (Lorelei and Noel Hanna) with Ken Range at Art Alley Grille.
Calling all mystery sleuths... attend the March Art Walk and experience a thrilling evening of clues, crime, and puzzlement.
Begin the evening at the Chetco Community Public Library where you will pick up a game booklet containing a brief description of the suspects and the map detailing their locations. Players will be able to examine evidence and obtain valuable clues from each suspect at each location and enter this information in their clue booklet. The final round will take place at 6:40 at Wright's Custom Frames and Supplies. The Inspector and all the suspects will gather at Wright's and the killer will be revealed as well as the motive. Prizes will be awarded to 5 winners.
Preview of the crime: Ronnie MacIntosh, the famous artist, has arranged for a private art exhibition among friends before the Brian Scott Gallery opens his work to the public. However, when all the guests arrive MacIntosh is nowhere to be found - alive that is. Taking artwork to new heights, Ronnie appears to have died and is found slumped in a chair surrounded by empty bottles of expensive champagne. Beside him is a small plaque which reads: "Pickled Artist". As a career move it certainly increases the value of his sales - but was he in fact murdered by one of the guests?
March 10, 2012 - 4 pm to 7 pm
Brookings Art Walk Murder Mystery Event
Chetco Pelican Players will be presenting a 6 week acting class with instructor Howard Patterson.
All ages are welcome, but recommended ages are 12 and up. For new actors, emphasis will be overcoming the fear of being on stage. For the more experienced actor, emphasis will be on learning to listen on stage and how to react to the moment. Also Patterson will work with actors to help them in understanding one's character, what the character needs to achieve, and what obstacles are in his way. Actors will be teamed up and will work on selected scenes or monologues, and then the in-class performance positively critiqued. There will also be a variety of theater games, acting and improv exercises. A final performance will be done for family and friends at the end of the series.
Howard Patterson is a 2011 Packy award winning actor. His last role at CPP was in The 39 Steps. Look for an upcoming play in October, Wait Until Dark, that he will be directing.
Classes will start Monday, March 12th and run 6 weeks. Time is 4-6PM Mondays. Cost is $20, scholarships available. Ages 12 and up recommended.
RSVP Chetco Pelican Players 541 469 1877 or with Karen de Lucca 541 661 0616.
Karen de Lucca
Chetco Pelican Players
PO Box 2712
Harbor, Or 97415
phone: 541-469-1857
e-mail: [email protected]
Local photography enthusiasts are invited to submit their best Brookings photographs for possible inclusion on the City of Brookings’ new official website, scheduled to “go live” in late August, 2012.
Winning entries will receive individual recognition on the website’s “Photo Credit” page and their images will be used in various locations throughout the website. The winner of the “Best Photo” will also receive special recognition on the website’s homepage for two weeks after the site goes live, and in a press release to the local media.
Photos must be taken within the City’s Urban Growth Boundary. Winning images will capture the essence of Brookings in five categories: 1) architecture, 2) land and cityscapes, 3) people and activities, 4) nature and animals, and 5) culture and art. This is a great opportunity for beginning and experienced photographers to showcase their talents while highlighting the best of everything the City has to offer. Image selection will be based on overall composition, quality and suitability for inclusion on the website. Final selection will be made by the website design firm. The “Best Photo” will be chosen from the final photo selection.
Photos should be no more than three years old, full color, full sized, untouched and unaltered. Images must be submitted on a CD or DVD in jpeg format with a minimum 800 X 600 pixel and 72 dpi resolution and should be as large as possible with an optimal length of 18 inches on the longest side.
All disc submissions must include a completed Website Photo Entry Form. Discs must be clearly marked with the entrant’s name and contact information. Discs will not be returned. No more than five photographs may be submitted per entrant. For complete details see the City of Brookings Official Website Photo Entry Form, Rules and Guidelines, available at www.brookings.or.us, and at the utility payment counter at Brookings City Hall, 898 Elk Drive, Brookings, OR 97415.
The deadline for submissions to be received at City Hall is 4:00pm, Friday, March 23, 2012. Email submissions will not be accepted.
Contact 541-469-1102 for more information.
Bill Schlichting of the Curry Coastal Pilot sent the notice below to the Chetco Photographers Association... if you are not a member of the photo club, come and meet the group - they meet at Manley Art Center in Brookings on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month from 6:30 - 8 :30 pm, and on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month from 10 am -Noon. There are no dues and you may come to whichever meetings fit your schedule.
Opportunity for Photographers
Oregon’s Bounty is an award-winning calendar produced by Oregon Farm Bureau that features gorgeous photography of agriculture, its orchards, ranches, fields, and people.
Images for the 2013 calendar are being sought. Farm Bureau invites the public to submit their own photos of Oregon agriculture: the commodities, the families, the production, the landscape, the retail, anything that depicts the beauty, technology, culture, and/or tradition of farming and ranching.
High-resolution, horizontal-format close-ups and panoramic views are needed for all types of agriculture in all seasons.
Photographers with images selected for month pages in Oregon’s Bounty will receive a photo credit, copies of the calendar, and Farm Bureau membership if they have not already joined the organization.
The deadline for entries is August 1, 2012.
For photo specifications and other contest rules, please visit oregonfb.org/media/publications.
The state’s largest general farm organization, Oregon Farm Bureau is a voluntary, grassroots, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization representing the interests of the state's family farmers and ranchers in the public and policymaking arenas. For more information or to request a copy of the 2012 Oregon’s Bounty calendar, contact Anne Marie Moss, OFB Communications Director, at [email protected], (503) 399-1701, ext. 313.
The state’s largest general farm organization, Oregon Farm Bureau (OFB) is a voluntary, grassroots, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization representing the interests of the state's farmers and ranchers in the public and policymaking arenas. First established in Oregon in 1919, Farm Bureau is organized in all 36 counties and has more than 8,000 member families that are professionally engaged in agriculture. Barry Bushue, an east Multnomah County berry and nursery stock producer, is OFB’s 15th President.
Works inspired by the South Coast Weather. We’re a land of wild winds, torrential rains, glorious sunsets, rainbows, waving grasses, threatening clouds and churning (or shining) seas----all fair game for our local artists and photographers. No snapshots please. If you have a really fine photo it must be matted and framed and ready for hanging.
Any questions…..check with Ava Richey at Bandon Art Supply or call Victoria Tierney or Susan Lehman at 541-347-9888.