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You are invited to enter the California State Fair’s juried fine art competition for California artists 18 years of age or older. Please see the Competition Handbook for complete entry rules and requirements.
Entry Deadline: Friday, April 20, 2012
Entry Fee: $20 per artwork (except Plein Air at the Fair; see Handbook)
Entry requirements: All entries are judged for acceptance into the exhibit from jpeg (digital) images submitted on CD or DVD along with an official entry form (or online entry) and fees. Only those artworks accepted into the exhibition will be eligible for awards.
Artists are advised to submit the highest quality digital images possible.
Exhibition dates and hours: California Fine Art will be open Thursday, July 12 through Sunday, July 29, 2012. The exhibition will be open every day. Hours will be 11:00 am to 10:00 pm Monday through Thursday and 10:00 am to 10:00 pm Friday through Sunday.
Prospectus (Quick Reference Guide)
Online Entry Info
(not yet available)
The Mandelring Quartet has emerged in recent years as one of the leading string quartets of the younger generation and has performed at some of the world's most prestigious concert halls. In addition to regular concert engagements throughout Germany, The Mandelring Quartet tours many of the major European concert centers. For marimba soloist and chamber musician Katarzyna Mycka, the marimba is the ideal medium for making musical statements. In recent years, she has expended a great deal of time and enthusiasm in re-establishing the marimba's popularity as a solo instrument. One major contribution to this was the foundation of the "International Katarzyna Mycka Marimba Academy (IKMMA)" in 2003. See The Mandelring Quartet on Sunday, March 18, 2012 at the Calvary Assembly of God Church in Brookings. |
2012 Project Timeline for 2013 Calendar
Promotion for Events and Photo Submission Period
March 1st - June 8th 2012
Photo submissions: 6 horizontal pictures per photographer
Theme: “Past or Present” showcasing horizontal photos of historical landmarks, stormy weather, scenic sites and/or Wild Rivers Coast living from Klamath River to Sixes River. (see attached photo submission PDF for details)
2013 Events submit period ends June 15th
Add logos as project supporters ends June 25th
Brookings-Harbor Lions Club
Lions Design Team
Community Calendar Fundraiser Project
Mary Isakson
Crescent City Public Library
February 23, 2012 at Noon
Mary Isakson began as an oil painter. The many advantages of acrylics have made her a convert.
Mary offers free lessons at Manley Art Center in Brookings and spends most Tuesdays at Manley with a group of artists who meet there to paint. Come watch Mary's painting Demo at the Public Library in Crescent City on February 23.
Best of Show is $1000. The show will be exhibited May 1-June 2 at the North Valley Art League's Carter House Gallery in Redding, California. The gallery is adjacent to the Sacramento River and major recreation areas attracting both local and tourist traffic. The show is open to all photographers and all forms of photographic expression are encouraged.
We have an outstanding juror, Jennifer L. Daly, MFA with Distinction-Photography, who has exhibited all over the country. Her juror statement reads: "Photography has always been a diverse art form with evolving and emerging technologies, ideas, and styles. As a juror, I look forward to seeing the breadth of the medium from 'straight' photography to photo-manipulation, digital, traditional and alternative process and everything in between in order to facilitate an exhibition of interpretation of photography today."
All entries will be online and are currently being accepted. The prospectus and entry information are on our website or click the following link: http://nval.org/Photography_Show.html
Deadline: 03-24-2012
North Valley Art League
Redding, CA
Contact: Charlotte Bryson
email: [email protected]
Phone: 530.221.1993
Website: www.nval.org
CONTAINERS: A MIXED MEDIA ART WORKSHOP. Learn to make a coiled fabric basket and then explore containers as art and metaphor. Choose from a variety of containers - baskets, boxes, vases, purses, and....... Create an art piece that will be a metaphor for something you need in your life and/or a treasured object to hold special things. BROOKINGS Saturday, April 14, 9-12
WEEKLY COLLAGE CLASS. Explore the possibilities of collage. Learn different techniques. Topics and suggestions will be provided each week to get you started. Rich and varied collage materials furnished including three dimensional. GOLD BEACH Tuesdays 4-5:30. April 3, 10, May 8, 22
ASPECT DOLLS: A MIXED MEDIA ART WORKSHOP. Identify different parts of yourself and create mixed media dolls to honor those parts. Students will have the option of working with small fabric dolls or large paper dolls. PORT ORFORD Saturday, May 19, 1-5
Register for any of the classes through any location. Phone: 541-247-2741.
Christina Olsen drew a crowd early at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.
Christina demonstrated painting a ceramic bowl - inside and out.
Art Walk participants enjoyed discussing Christina's art and perusing her ceramics, paintings, and cards.
A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store is also showing work by Tod Steele and several other area artists.
Jurassic Country performed classic country music at Manley Art Center. This month's theme at MAC is "Abstracts" - which you can see surrounding Jurassic Country.
Artist of the Month, Thomas Moody, demonstrated painting acrylics on a black foundation at MAC.
Moody is an accomplished artist of many talents and styles and you can see a wide variety of his art work at MAC during February.
The Chetco Photographers Association presented a continuous slide show of members' work at MAC during the February Art Walk. The Association meets at MAC four times a month and new members are welcome. Meetings are 1st and 3rd Fridays from 10 am to Noon and 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
Suzie and Dennis Wright gave a little historical perspective on framing styles and showed some of the most recent offerings.
Mary Isakson demonstrated how she incorporates the use of a pen in her acrylic paintings. You can see more of Mary's work at Wrights. Wright's Gallery also includes art by Sammy Hernandez, Warren Dowler, Vi Burton, Steve Tadin, Mike Tompkins, Gary Vickerman, Gwen Childs, Len Burton, Dale Wells, Sara Broderick, Gordon Marsters, Wayne Bricco, and Jane Opiat.
Spectrum Sounds performed vocals and guitar at Wrights.
Jane Opiat demonstrated how she creates her gorgeous scarves at salon dolce where organic hair, skin, and massage products are in vogue.
Hither, Thither and Yon performed International music at Dewey's Digs during the Art Walk.
The Photography of Bill Ferry was presented at Dewey's Digs.
You can see more of Bill Ferry's work at http://www.ferry360.com
Brian Scott Gallery during the February Art Walk
Horst Wolf (right) interviewed Gold Beach Artist Tod Steele.
Tod didn't begin painting until he was 49.
Tod's mentor is his wife, artist J.M. Steele - but his style is his own.
Jeanne Steele photographed her husband at Brian Scott Gallery - and when asked where he is showing, Tod mentioned only two galleries, but Jeanne provided an impressive list of galleries that show Tod's work.
Marjie Brennan won this painting by Tod Steele at a raffle at Brian Scott Gallery during the February Brookings Art Walk.
Lon Goddard and Aura Wright - guitar and vocals at Art Walk Alley Antiques. Wherever Lon and Aura perform becomes a place that is difficult to leave.
Let there be FUDGE! The Chetco Library, which is showing a collection of Peter Chasar's acrylics this month, was also the venue for a Fudge Off during the February Brookings Art Walk.
Pete Chasar's work covered every wall.
Charlie Kocher, Publisher of the Curry Coastal Pilot, enjoying the Fudge Off - the event was conceived of during a discussion between Lynn Guild and Charlie Kocher and was hosted by the Pilot. Originally planned for Dewey's Digs, interest and the number of competitors grew until it was clear that Dewey's would not accommodate the crowd. Good call! Even the Library was crowded.
Lynn Guild announced the winners... Diane Price received several ribbons for her fudge, including People's Choice. Here Carl Rovainen presents her with the Musician's Choice Award.
Winners of the Fudge Off are:
Musicians’ Choice: Diane Price
Artist’s Choice:
1st - Kris Harris
2nd - Gerry Livingston
3rd - Pat Foht 2
Walkers’ Choice:
1st - Diane Price
Runner up - Dori Blodgett
Best Traditional
1st - Pat Foht
2nd - Diane Price
3rd - Susan Patterson
Best Specialty
1st - Diane Price
2nd - Corliss Dattel
3rd - Jane Turner
Best of Show
Pat Foht
Host’s Choice
Staci McCullough
Apparently Lynn's fudge didn't win... but Dori got a ribbon! Fortunately the Pilot didn't allow "weapons" at the competition, but those spoons looked pretty lethel for a while.
Lynn and Dori Blodgett survived their Fudger's duel and made up.
And the band played on... Carl Rovainen and The Boondock Band.
An in-depth study of COLOR will be presented by AUDI STANTON in an eight-week session of classes that meet once a week beginning the first week of March. The same curriculum will be given in classes that meet Mondays from 9:00 to noon, 1:00 to 4:00, and Tuesdays from 1:00 to 4:00. We will cover the color wheel, color theory, study warm and cool colors, shadows, as well as opaque and transparent colors, glazes and make color charts. Learn to mix colors and find out why "making mud" is a good thing! Valuable information. Students may use any medium, but the class study is geared to watercolors and their effects. The cost is $125.00 for tuition, supplies are not included.
Print the Complete Program Here
Special Events
4:15 Christina Olsen at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store
5:00 The Art of Framing by Susie and Dennis and Wrights Custom Framing
5:30 Horst Wolf interviews Tod Steele at Brian Scott Gallery
6:00 FUDGE-OFF at Chetco Library (if you'd like to enter the contest contact Lynn Guild today at 541-469-3212 or [email protected]) There will a People's Choice Award and lots of prizes.
6:30 The History and Variations of Stained Glass by Tony Farcello
Manley Art Center: The Chetco Photographers Association will present a continuous slide show of members' work. Thomas Moody is Artist of the Month.
This season 2011/2012, Miss Chen is scheduled for up to 40 concerts across the United States. In 2012/2013 she will be the featured artist in France, Germany, Italy, and in England.
Born in America in July 1991 to Taiwanese parents who are both music lovers, prodigiously gifted Anita Chen began to study the piano at age three and within a year, she added the violin. At age seven, she was accepted into the pre-college division at The Juilliard School. Anita has won many piano and violin competitions and recently, competing on the violin, was the winner of the GBS’ Carlson-Horn Competition. She resides in New York City and is studying piano with Oxana Yablonskaya and violin with internationally renowned concert violinist and composer, Albert Markov.
On Friday, February 10 at 7:30 pm, Miss Chen will perform at the Crescent Elk Auditorium, 994 G Street in Crescent City, CA. Tickets are $15/adults, $5/children and students.
Information: 707-465-6572
The 2012 contest regulations are available for artists. The Duck Stamp Contest is the only federally recognized art competition in the country. These regulations are published each year and include very important information for any artist entering the contest.
History of the Federal Duck Stamp Contest
The first Federal Duck Stamp, designed by Jay "Ding" Darling in 1934 at President Franklin D. Roosevelt's request, depicts two mallards about to land on a marsh pond. In subsequent years, other noted wildlife artists were asked to submit designs. The first contest in 1949 was open to any U.S. artist who wished to enter. Sixty-five artists submitted 88 design entries that first year. The number of entries rose to 2,099 in 1981. This is the only art competition of its kind sponsored by the U.S. Government.
A panel of noted art, waterfowl, and philatelic authorities is appointed by the Secretary of the Interior to judge each competition. Winners receive no compensation for their work, other than a pane of stamps carrying their design. Winning artists may sell prints of their designs, which are sought after by hunters, conservationists, and art collectors.
The sale of stamps is not restricted to hunters. All citizens can purchase the stamp, which can be used as an annual "season pass" to national wildlife refuges charging entrance fees. Conservationists purchase the stamp because they know that 98 cents of every dollar invested in the stamp permanently conserves wildlife habitat for future generations—a small investment will bring you and your family long-term returns. Philatelists purchase the stamp as a collectible—a $1 stamp purchased in 1934 may bring as much as $750 for a stamp in mint condition to about $250 for a stamp in poor condition today.
In providing the means to acquire habitat, the Duck Stamp Program offers a simple way for all citizens to participate in the conservation of a natural resource we all share: migratory birds.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service mails contest regulations to interested artists each spring. Artists may choose their own medium and designs may be in black-and-white or full color, and must measure 10 inches wide by 7 inches high.
DOWNLOAD THE REGULATIONS - 2012 Duck Stamp Contest Regulations If this is your first time entering the contest, here is some important information to note from the regulations:
Artists may submit their artwork beginning on June 1, 2012. No early entries will be accepted. All artwork must be postmarked no later than midnight August 15, 2012.
Special Note: After the Duck Stamp contest is judged, art is sent Federal Express back to the address that was submitted on the contest entry form. Please do not submit art with a P.O. box address. Please make sure that working phone numbers are submitted as well. Changes in return addresses should be submitted in writing. Please email address changes to Duck Stamp Office, or send a certified letter to the Federal Duck Stamp Office, 4401 N. Fairfax Dr. Arlington, VA 22203.
Find out what art characteristics make good stamp design.......
Eligible Species
Each year, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service chooses five species any which of one may be painted. In 2011 the species are:
If you have any questions, please contact Laurie Shaffer at the Federal Duck Stamp Office.
Looking for a great Valentine's Day Gift? Find it at the Brookings-Harbor High School this weekend (February 11 and 12) from 10 am to 5 pm each day. The seventh annual Winter Art and Chocolate Festival features art, crafts, chocolates, sweets, soaps, and more.
"The Cemetery Club" by Ivan Menchell will be performed by the Brookings-Harbor Community Theater at the Harbor Performing Arts Center (Brookings-Harbor Shopping Center) on the following weekends:
February 17 - 19
February 24 - 26
March 2 - 4
Tickets are $10/adults, $9/seniors, $7/students
Get your tickets at:
Wright's Custom Framing and Art Supplies in Brookings
New Wave Video in Harbor
For reservations call 541-469-4700
More information: Dori Blodgett 541-661-2473
A classic Broadway musical that includes numerous Irving Berlin hits is scheduled to open at The Chetco Playhouse in early April and run for three weekends.
Tryouts will be Tuesday, February 6 and Wednesday, February 7, at 6:30 pm.
For more information:
Susan Brinkley 541-251-1318
Mike Moran 541-469-6798
Chetco Playhouse
1240 Chetco Avenue Brookings
Enter the 2012 Art Contest to Benefit New ODFW Habitat Conservation Stamp
Artwork must feature one of the fish or wildlife species identified in the Oregon Conservation Strategy in its respective Strategy habitat. Deadline is 5 p.m. Feb. 29, 2012.
There are 286 native species and 11 habitats called out in the Strategy. In the Species section, see the Conservation Summaries of Strategies Species for a species list and habitat associations. In the Habitat section, find a description of habitats.
Announcement (pdf). Entry form (pdf).
Artwork must feature one of the fish or wildlife species identified in the Oregon Conservation Strategy in its respective Strategy habitat. There are 286 native species and 11 habitats called out in the Strategy, which is available on ODFW’s website. In the Species section, see the Conservation Summaries of Strategies Species for a species list and habitat associations. In the Habitat section, find a description of habitats.
The winning artist will receive $3000.
The winning entry becomes the exclusive property of ODFW. ODFW retains all reproductive rights to artwork, which can include a stamp, prints, posters, etc.
The artist shall sign, at no charge, up to 200 Habitat Conservation Stamp prints for sale by ODFW to benefit conservation.
Entry Rules
Full color medium. No photographs, sculptures or carvings will be accepted. Artwork must be original and not computer-generated or computer-enhanced.
Artwork should measure 13 inches by 18 inches.
Artwork can be either landscape or portrait.
The actual finished stamp will be 1.5 inches by 2 inches.
More than one entry may be submitted.
Artwork must be unsigned.
Artwork may be matted or mounted but not framed or under glass.
Download an entry form from the Conservation section of ODFW’s website.
Artwork will be returned in the packing it was submitted in.
Artwork must be original and not submitted to or used in any other state habitat or species art competition.
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife employees are not eligible to participate in the contest.
Art contest entries should be sent to:
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Attn. Habitat Conservation Stamp Art Contest
3406 Cherry Ave NE
Salem, OR, 97303
The contest winner will be chosen by a panel comprised of one Fish and Wildlife Commissioner and four citizens chosen by the Director of ODFW. Artwork will be available for public viewing.
The panel will consider:
Artistic composition
Anatomical accuracy of the species
Habitat accuracy
General rendering
General appeal
About the Habitat Conservation Stamp
Adopted by the 2011 Oregon State Legislature, the new Habitat Conservation Stamp allows Oregonians to purchase an annual stamp to benefit conservation of Oregon’s native species and habitats. Stamps sell for $40 a year and include a free ODFW Wildlife Area Parking Pass valued at $22. Revenue will be used for restoration of the native habitats that are home to the state’s fish and wildlife. The stamp will be available for purchase in 2012.
From more information
Visit the Conservation Section of ODFW’s website to download an entry form or contact Meg Kenagy, Oregon Conservation Strategy Communications Coordinator, [email protected], (503) 947-6021.
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
3406 Cherry Ave. NE
Salem, OR 97303
(503) 947-6000