To help with the Holiday Train contact Tony Parrish at 541-469-0551 or [email protected].
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To help with the Holiday Train contact Tony Parrish at 541-469-0551 or [email protected].
Seven gardens and seventeen artists and only six hours to see them all. Plus lunch and a composting demo at Kalmiopsis School. The Curry County Master Gardeners 5th Annual Coastal Garden and Art Tour was this weekend.
The Botanical Garden on Highway 101 between Brookings and Harbor is always open to the public, but most of us drive by and rarely stop. This year the garden was featured on the tour and guides were present to discuss the varied plants.
The garden was begun in 1975 by the Brookings-Harbor Garden Club. It was sometimes called the Triangle Garden because of its shape. In 1987 a welcome sign was installed. A native plant area was begun in 1990. In 1992 the city connected water from the state. Memorial benches and a fountain came later. In 2009, when the weigh station closed, the garden property increased to about 2 acres and was no longer triangle shaped. The perennial creek area was developed and in 2010 many new plants were installed.
During the Garden Tour three artists set up in the Native Plant area.
Jane Opiat brought her loom and showed an astounding array of her wearable art - scarfs in every color.
Christina Olsen had a collection of her popular whimsical masterpieces.
Dale Wells with two of his fans who came to see his watercolors.
The Brookings Harbor Garden Club sold healthy plants at very reasonable prices. They also offered hand made "stone" planters created with the materials used in vintage livestock troughs in Europe and planted with succulents - also at very reasonable prices. The cookies were free.
Paths meander throughout the garden and nearly all plants are labeled.
Future plans for the garden include a plaza area with boulders for benches, mosaic pebble stonework, a Rock Garden, an American Meadow Grass section and a dedication plaque to honor garden club workers. Anyone wishing to contribute to the development and maintenance of the Botanical Garden can make a donation to the Brookings-Harbor Garden Club, P.O. Box 7588, Brookings, OR 97415.
At the Benson's Garden, paths lead to one delightful scene after another. Three artists offered demos and art for sale.
Claudia Mach had no trouble finding a charming scene to paint in watercolor.
Brenda Stafford showed watercolors and Bob Stafford showed his lighthouses made with large artillery shells. The couple brought some of their popular wind bells that they make from used cylinders. Brenda said "Bob does the hard part and I do the fun part. I paint pretty pictures on the finished bell".
This path at the Benson's leads to a child's playhouse.
Yes, this is a putting green and there are several more in the Benson's beautifully manicured gardens.
The Kalmiopsis School Garden, a project of the Curry County Master Gardeners, was featured on this year's tour.
The kids grow a variety of fruits and vegetables, from tomatoes and berries to beans, squash, cabbage, and what is this? A purple kohlrabi?
Look out Castroville, the K-School kids are growing artichokes!
At Kalmiopsis School Phil Heiss and crew sold Tri-Tip Sandwiches as part of a complete lunch that included chips, pickle, cookies, and a bottled or canned drink - for only $7.00. Sure hope this becomes a tour tradition - the sandwiches were delicious! Lunch proceeds benefit the K-School garden.
Another three artists were at work at the Kalmiopsis School Garden. Katrina Parke demonstrated her acrylic techniques.
Nancy Barbee offered beaded suncatchers.
Gail Arceneaux was at work with colored pencils and had finished pieces to show.
Master Gardener Julie Campbell gave a talk and demonstration on vermicomposting (the process of using worms and micro-organisms to turn kitchen waste into a black, earthy-smelling, nutrient-rich humus). She's been doing it for more than 20 years and makes it sound like fun.
Red worms are best for composting and will thrive in a worm bin. Nightcrawlers depend on a tunnel system and will not live in a confined space. For more information about vermicomposting call the OSU Extension Service in Gold Beach at 541-247-6672 for an information print out.
On the other side of the goldfish pond at Emerald Coast Estates, Karen Berry and Kathy Huxley are painting the scenery in oils.
Artists Rob Decker (pastels), Kathy Huxley and Karen Berry (oils) spent the day painting plein air along the stream at Emerald Coast Estates.
Karen Berry painted a small waterfall.
Kathy Huxley painted a cottage, fence, and flowering shrubbery.
Rob Decker, who can often be seen painting at Lone Ranch, Harris Beach, and the Port, painted another small waterfall on the Emerald Coast Estates stream.
Rocks bordering the Wilson's waterfall and pond were models for a "seat" in Sara Broderick's portrait of a young musician.
Local Artist and Art Instructor, Sara Broderick, has just begun this painting and is using rocks in the Wilson's garden as her inspiration for the natural setting of her painting.
In the Wilson's "backyard", Jim McCarten is inspired by the panoramic view of the Pacific.
Ruth Wilson, at work in her garden, discussing her Princess Bushes with visitors on the Coastal Garden and Art Tour.
The Webbeking Garden includes many well tended and thriving specimens and a wide variety of charming recycled items. Joyce Webbeking provided a list of nearly 100 different plants that she cultivates in this garden only a few yards from the ocean.
Tom Moody brought along his acrylics and set up his easel on a path in the Webbeking Garden.
Some unusual red poppies caught Tom's eye and he captured them on canvas.
The Sine's garden begins at sea level and just keeps going up until there is a panoramic view of Harbor. This potato sack wall overhung with rosemary is near the house.
Clay artist and instructor, Maryjane Carlson, at the Sine Garden discussing clay art with a prospective student. Tour goers in the back are hiking to an upper woodland garden.
Tour goers admiring Maryjane's work at the Sine's.
Path leading to the Sine's greenhouse where huge RED tomatoes are abundant.
Jean Johnson had a lovely display of her fine jewelry.
Paths in the Sine Garden lead from one level to the next.
The garden just keeps going...
It's now time for the sunset photo, but fog precludes a sunset today. It was a wonderful tour. Thanks to all the Garden Owners, Master Gardeners, and Artists for a lovely day. See you next year, same time, third weekend of August, for the 6th Annual Coastal Garden and Art Tour.
Plein Air Artists Kathy Huxley and Rob Decker.
Rob Decker painting a scene at the Fair
Ducky Derby adoptions - you could win a car this year!
Kite Festival T-shirts for only $5!!! It was a wet Kite Festival this year and there are T-shirts left over. Anyone looking for a good quality T-shirt or two for only $5 each?
Lions Club Community Calendars are now for sale.
Jean Johnson's lovely jewelry is always popular.
Len Burton was dressed for the occasion.
Violet Burton's costume was also head to toe.
Lon and Aura!
Another gorgeous Brookings day at the Port of Brookings Harbor!
The Renaissance Fair was a great first time event and plans are being made for a much larger fair next year including new events that will be announced.
The 2011-2012
Sunday, September 25, 2011, 3:00 PM
The Cleveland Duo with James Umble – Saxophone
Sunday, October 23, 2011, 3:00 PM
Frank Wiens, Pianist
All Spanish Program
Sunday, November 13, 2011, 3:00 PM
An Afternoon of Opera and Musical Theater
Eugene Brancoveanu, Baritone
Thomas Glenn, Tenor
Ronit Widman Levy, Soprano
Peter Gruenberg, Pianist
Sunday, February 19, 2012, 3:00 PM
The New Pacific Trio
Sunday, March 18, 2012, 3:00PM
The Mandelrine Quartet
With Marimba Virtuoso Katar Zyna Myċka
Sunday, April 15, 2012, 3:00 PM
Alexander Tutunov, Pianist
Sunday, May 20, 2012, 3:00 PM
ASHU, Classical Saxophone
With Pianist Kuang-Had Huang
SEASON TICKETS- $70. STUDENTS Age 17 and under are Free
TICKETS AVAILABLE AT Wright’s Custom Framing and Gallery
CALL FOR INFORMATION (541) 469-7625, (541) 469-3473
Tod Steele's latest creations are showing at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.
Ruth Stoner showed her jewelry during the August Art Walk at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.
The Manley Art Center Gallery Theme for August is "Kids! Or Acting Like One!" Artists of the Month at Manley Art Center were the students in Janeen Vick's Summer Kids Camp. Several of the students acted as docents during the Art Walk. Root beer floats were served in addition to a table of finger foods.
Karina and Marco entertained at Manley.
"The Iron Ore Kid" put on a magic show at Manley.
The trains were running at Stout Park, next door to Manley, and Art Walk visitors were encouraged to photograph the trains.
Photographer George Cady put on a slide show at Wrights. You can see his work this month in both the front gallery and the classroom.
Art Walk visitors enjoying George Cady's colorful photography at Wright's Custom Framing.
Aura Wright and Lon Goddard at Dewey's Digs. Dick Fowler's "Pilgrimages of India" collection was displayed.
Kandi Legg is showing her mermaid paintings in Salon Dolce this month.
Lorna Rodriguez drew visitors into Salon Dolce with the beautiful music from her flute.
Brian Scott Gallery was buzzing with activity. The combined Brian Scott and Signatures Galleries offers a wide variety of accomplished art.
Sandy Bonney of Signatures Gallery introduced Thomas Sheets.
Thomas Sheets discussed how he goes about creating his driftwood art, but he didn't give away all his secrets.
Garretta Lamore from Crescent City did a portrait demonstration at the Chetco Library during the August Art Walk.
A variety of Garretta's work is on display at the Library this month. The show is called "Four Gals from the Crescent Harbor Gallery. The Four gals include Garetta Lamore, Joy Johnson, Muriel Northrip, and Lynne Parker.
Some of Joy Johnson's oils at the Chetco Library.
Acrylics by Muriel Northrip at Chetco Library. Pastels by Lynne Parker.
Pat Stewart at the front desk of Words and Pictures during a past Art Walk... a familiar sight we all miss. Pat passed away this week.
"Words and Pictures" was an anchor venue on the Art Walk... a "must see" gallery.
In memory of Pat Stewart, Art Walkers tied flowers to the fence on Art Walk Alley in front of Words and Pictures.
A card for Buzz Stewart was prepared by Christina Olsen and signed by many friends who will never forget Pat and her wonderful "Words and Pictures".
SUMMER FUN in Bandon and at SAGE...
It's hard to believe that Summer is winding down and Cranberry Festival Season is just around the corner!
We had a fabulous turnout for our first Trunk Show with Wild Things Beads, J-ME and Guy from California!!! They had so much fun that they will be returning in November and we will be letting you know when the date is set.
I hope you all had the opportunity to join the fun at the Port of Bandon's Windfest last weekend, special thanks to Gina, Trudy, Bruce, Theresa & Bob from the Port, as well as Laura and our friends at Koffee and Kites, who all work together annually to make this event a success for Bandon!
Our Port Commissioners and Administration do so much to bring people to Bandon and support growth in our local businesses-We at Sage want to express our appreciation and hope some of you will take a moment to do the same.
Our August Calendar begins with an invitation to all to attend this Saturday's watercolor demonstration and Artists' Reception.....
"Mysteries and Magic in Watercolor: Featuring Donna Wright and Her Students" has opened with a huge splash of enthusiasm! Donna is an innovative, alternative process
watercolor painter and will be featured in North Light Books' Splash #13 coming out in 2012!
Donna will be holding a FREE demonstration of her unique "pouring technique" beginning at Noon, this Sat. August 13th at SAGE Gallery, 390 First St SW.
An Artists' Reception for Donna and her students: Toni Ann Brend, Jean Kyle, Linda Robertson, Denise Hunter, Erika Fare, Vanessa Jorgensen, Joy Bradford, Patricia Soltys, and Jean Boynton will also be held Sat. from 2-5 pm; Everyone is welcome!
Also on exhibit at SAGE this month: Susan and Steve Dimock, wildlife and nature photography. The Dimocks are owners of the LaKris Inn and are also exhibiting at the Newport Aquarium. SAGE also has a continued showing of Etch Art by Jeannie Hemming, from Oregon City.
NEW WORKSHOPS ADDED TO THE AUGUST SCHEDULE at Sage Place (these are updates only, please see our website for entire selection,
"Negative Painting for Florals: Watercolor with Connie Zane" Thursday, August 18th, 9-11:30, Cost $30, bring
your own watercolor supplies, or use Sage's supplies for an additional fee of $5. Connie is a very experienced watercolorist and instructor. Her students love the guidance and continually improve as a result of her invaluable critiques.
"Kelp Basket Making with Catherine Spinner" Friday, August 19th, 1-4 pm, Cost $45 plus $5 materials fee, limit 8 students. Catherine has be harvesting kelp and invites you to share in this delightfully organic process! Learn step-by-step how to prep and create with kelp! Catherine is full of fun and you won't want to miss this one!
UPDATE ON SAS COLBY WORKSHOP- You don't want to miss this one!
Many of you have asked for more detail on the Upcoming Sas Colby Workshop, so here it is - the deadline has also been moved to August 20th and the class is filling quickly, so hurry and contact us if you are interested.
"As Improvisation,” is being taught by California artist, Sas Colby, on September 30 & October 1st at Sage Place, in Bandon, OR. Sas Colby is a master teacher with forty years of experience exhibiting and teaching art.
“Art As Improvisation,” a fast paced workshop, will lead participants through a variety of exercises designed to jumpstart the creative process. Colby believes it’s necessary to get the mind out of the way to allow the artist’s true potential to flourish, so for the first 3 hours her students are immersed in a dizzying world of materials and directions that lay the groundwork for exciting art making. On the second day of the workshop participants will be guided in creating individual works based on the techniques and concepts presented the day before. These could take the form of artists books, or drawings or paintings.
While the techniques taught include drawing, painting, and sculptural concepts, the emphasis is on getting to the essence of the art making impulse. Colby also teaches participants how to talk about their art intelligently, introducing critical criteria to elevate and encourage dialog. Cost: $190 plus $10 materials fee (paid to instructor at time of class) and the class includes lunch.
Our courses now have early registration incentives!!! It helps us keep workshop costs low and maximize our time when you register and pre-pay for your classes early.
As a Thanks You, most of our classes now include an early registration date. This means students who are registered AND fully paid by the early registration date will receive a 5% credit coupon applicable toward their next class registration fee. Coupons are given the day of class for participating students. (**note-some courses do not qualify for this promotion; please ask one of our salespeople for more information).
Cancelled: "Make Your Own Ear Wires" Thursday, Aug. 18 with Sherri has been cancelled.
Postponed: "Agate Wrap" Wed. Aug. 17th will be rescheduled later in the season.
KEEP YOUR EYE OUT...We have some fantastic workshops brewing on the horizon in:
glass, mixed media, metals, and beading...
Two Bead Trunk shows are being planned, one for Oct. and one for Nov. and J-ME will be returning with a couple of really fun jewelry/bead classes to coincide with November's trunk show.
Kathy and I were working until midnight, tying up beads and unpacking inventory in our new location! Gerry was busy assembling furniture and Dana was holding down the fort at the Gallery on First, while we prepared for our Sept. 1st Grand Opening here on 11th St.
Since we opened, we have had visitors from San Diego to British Columbia, Idaho,Utah, Texas & Arizona, to New York and Florida!!! We thoroughly enjoy meeting everyone and want to extend a special Thank You to so many of our local customers who have not only stopped in regularly to share their ideas and creations, but have made a special point of bringing visiting family and friends to join the fun at Sage Place!
To Thank you all, September will be a month of celebration, surprises, and exciting specials, so keep an eye out!
Hope to see you all soon at SAGE Gallery and at Sage Place!
Audi Stanton will resume watercolor classes the week of September 19, 2011. Classes meet once a week on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays, from 9 to noon or 1 to 4, for 8 consecutive weeks. Continuing students please contact Audi now to hold your place in the class that you have been regularly attending.
Featured artist for August
Artist will be present during the August 13th Art Walk
Special presentation - 5:00 pm at gallery
Who would have thought that humble little pieces of driftwood found on our local beaches could be assembled into such imaginative art pieces? The small pieces of driftwood gathered on the windswept beaches of the Southern Oregon coast are combined with other “found” items. These could include rocks, stones or pieces of wire and cable, turned into totally unique works evoking memories of trees, grass, geometric forms or totally abstract images.
“Rouge et Noir” – 60 x 50 inches
Thomas had searched for years for the perfect medium to express and reflect his many moods. One day, while walking on a beach, he started looking at the little fingers of driftwood and the naturally polished rocks forming patterns in the sand, each piece telling its own story. Some are soft and smooth in serene harmony while others are jagged and rough in violent conflict. Each contributes its own personality, its own highlight, to the assemblage.
“Sylvan Castaway” – 24 x 24 inches
Fighting the crashing surf for the perfect piece, Thomas has immortalized these “sticks and stones” in his artwork. They live on instead of being lost forever.
Please join us on Saturday, August 13th from 4:00 - 7:00 pm during the Second Saturday Art Walk. Thomas will be present to answer all your questions regarding his works and will give a special presentation at 5:00 pm on “The Art of Driftwood Assemblage.”
Sandy Bonney
Signatures Gallery
515 Chetco Ave (Hwy 101) - Brookings, Oregon
Mailing Address: PO Box 7408, Brookings OR 97415
Gallery hours: Tues-Sat from 11:00-5:00
[email protected]
ArtPrize is an international art event (September 21—October 9) held in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This year, pieces by 1,582 artists are in the show and competition, including Last Light, this 90-inch triptych by Brookings artist Pete Chasar.
ArtPrize awards to be presented are: $250,000 for first place, $100,000 for second, $50,000 for third, and seven $7,000 prizes. Judging is done by popular vote, but limited to only those who actually attend the Grand Rapids event.
Last Light is Pete’s interpretation in acrylic of a dramatic evening sky over the ocean as seen from Brookings. Though painted on three separate canvas panels, the image appears to be continuous, an illusion that is reinforced by the piece’s painted, gallery-wrap edges.
Local Watercolor Artist Donna Wright will be making a splash at SAGE Gallery, in Bandon, this month. Donna's innovative and experimental technique of "pouring on the color" is the highlight of the August exhibit, "Mysteries and Magic in Watercolor: Featuring the work of Donna Wright and Her Students."
Perfecting this unique and creative approach to watercolor painting has been the focus of Donna's 40 year career as an artist and teacher. With many awards, collected works, and publications to her name, Donna Wright will soon add featured "Alternative Process artist in North Light Books', Splash #13", to her list of accomplishments.
Vibrant, inspiring, and intriguing, these one-of-a kind works by Donna and her students consist of "pouring" watercolor pigments onto the paper, then manipulating the colors to create a background. Once the "pour" is complete, the imagination of the artist is called upon to visualize and bring to life the innate subject matter that magically appears in the works. After 20 years of teaching at the college level, in both California and at SOCC, North Bend, Donna has inspired hundreds of artists to view the world of watercolor painting with fresh eyes. Students exhibiting work alongside Donna are: Toni Ann Brend, Linda Robertson, Jean Boynton, Patricia Soltys, Denise Hunter, Erika Fare, Vanessa Jorgensen, Joy Bradford, Jean Kyle, and Bonnie Hutton.
The Public is invited to SAGE Gallery for a demonstration of Donna Wright's unique process beginning at 12 pm on Saturday, August 13th; following the demo is an artists' reception from 2-5pm, to which the public is also invited. In addition to the "Mysteries and Magic" exhibit, SAGE is also delighted to feature photographic works by Bandon artists, Susan and Steve Dimock, and the continued presentation of Etch Art, by Oregon City artist Jeannie Hemming. All work is on exhibit at SAGE Gallery, 390 First St. SW, Bandon, through Sept. 4th. Gallery hours for this exhbit are: Thursdays, 2-6 pm, Fridays, 4-8pm, Saturdays, 2-6 pm, and Sundays, 12-4 pm. Additional works by Donna Wright may also be viewed at Sage Place on 11th St in Bandon. Call (541) 329-0303 for information.
Aura Wright and Lon Goddard were wonderful - as usual. Nice hat Lon.
Here are some of the "locals" who participated in the show.
Frank Gustafson and Ginger Fetters
Jane Opiat and Christina Olsen
Numerous members of PBAA showed work in the Manley Art Center Booth - the unofficial word is that sales were better this year than at the Festival of the Arts last year.
Closing time on Sunday afternoon and people are still browsing the booths.
The theme of the set up is "Take Your Best Shot". Everyone is encouraged to bring a camera and "Take Your Best Shot" of the garden railway. Then send your best pictures to Tony Parish at [email protected] and Tony will put them together in a video for the Stout Mountain Railway channel. First prize is your name on a little photoshop building for one year.
The Boardwalk Arts Fest at the Port will fill in for the Festival of the Arts this year. The Festival of the Arts returns next summer at Azalea Park. There will be around 70 artists showing their work at the Boardwalk Arts Fest this weekend.
An Artist's Circle will be set up on the boardwalk and artists will demonstrate how they work. Lon Goddard and Aura Wright will entertain on both afternoons. Spectrum Sound will play on Saturday. There will be five food vendors.
The Festival is open from 10 to 5 on Saturday and 10 to 4 on Sunday. Come join this art, food and music fest on the Boardwalk at Port of Brookings Harbor!
Fall Workshop
Instructor Sara Broderick
Wright’s Frame Shop/Gallery
810 Chetco Ave, Brookings, OR
Choose Drawing or Painting
--Drawing is very structured
--Painting (Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor, or Pastels)
offers individual choices of Media and Content
Workshop begins August 26, 2011
Fridays 1:00 - 4:00 pm
10 weeks $125.00
Friday September 2 will be a holiday