From a distance it looked like a BBQ at Manley Art Center - but no, it's Maryjane Carlson and the Mudslingers "smoking pots" again.
In the Manley classroom the Mudslingers demonstrated how they prepare the pots, and outdoors they "smoked" them.
The Pottery Group meets Wednesday afternoons from 2 to 5 and Saturdays from 2 to 5 (or 12 to 3 on the second Saturday of the month because of Art Walk). Lessons are available for anyone who wants to learn or refresh their knowledge. Handbuilding techniques are used to create a wide variety of work. Wheels are not available due to space limitations, but Manley Arts Center has a kiln and there is some clay available for purchase. Contact Maryjane for more information: 541-469-4067.
In the Manley Gallery, Russ Rose offered tickets for the upcoming Coastal Garden and Art Tour that will be held on August 20. Seven local gardens are featured on the tour and 17 PBAA Artists will be demonstrating their art in the gardens and offering items for sale. The $10/person tickets are now on sale at Manley Art Center and many other locations from Crescent CIty to Port Orford. For more ticket locations phone Manley at 541-469-1807.
Janeen Craft organized a lovely table of refreshments at Manley.
Nina Paulsen entertained on the keyboard in the Manley Art Center Gallery.
At Brian Scott Gallery, Barbara Bauer's dance partner didn't show, so Barbara gave us a very interesting history of Argentine Tango with musical clips to demonstrate.
Jerry Moffit on the keyboard, Barbara Bauer, Leslie Wolf, and Christina Olsen at Brian Scott/Signatures Gallery.
The combined Brian Scott and Signatures Gallery is offering a wonderful selection of art including Sandy Bonney, Drew Struzan, Jan Kunz, Thomas Sheets, Karon Walstad, Ken Auster, Royal Canadian Artist Duncan Regehr, Christina Olsen, Pete Chasar, Lorraine Filippone, Kathleen Kresa, Elio Camacho, Randall Tillery, Magda Druzdel, Dale Wells, Donna Goss, Manual Lopez, Nancy Tuttle, Jewell Johnson, Jane Opiat and Dan Sawyer!
Steve Combs and Elmo Williams at Brian Scott Gallery.
Photo by Agatha Conrad
During the Art Walk, local resident, Elmo Williams, signed copies of his new DVD (produced and directed by Steve Combs) about the making of Tora! Tora! Tora! and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Elmo is an Academy Award wining producer, director, editor, and writer who at the age of 98 is still writing and lecturing. On this DVD he shares some "behind the scenes stories about his life, his career, and the making of some of his films".
Arlene Saul is showing her "Alphabetic Calligraphy" at Salon Dolce. During the Art Walk she "wrote" guests' names to demonstrate how she works.
Arlene Saul with Salon Dolce ower, Kandi Legg, in front of some of Arlene's work.
More of Arlene Saul's calligraphy at Salon Dolce.
Giraffes on a Raft entertained at Salon Dolce.
Jane Opiat was Artist of the Month at Wrights Custom Framing and Art Supplies. She demonstrated how she weaves a scarf.
Artists currently showing in Wright's Gallery include fiber artist Jane Opiat, photographers Sammy Hernandez, Warren Dowler, Vi Burton and Steve Tadin, woodwork by Mike Tompkins, Gary Vickerman and Sheriden, ceramics by Gwen Childs, pencil by Bill O'Connor, watercolor by Dale Wells, acrylics by Gordon Marsters and Dusanka Kralj, pen/ink by Wayne Bricco and prints by oil artist Len Burton.
Warren Dowler's photography at Wrights.
Spectrum Sound provided entertainment for Art Walkers and anyone else passing through the neighborhood.
A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store features the work of several local artists. This driftwood creation is by Bob Bangs.
A living birdhouse by Len Burton, crate art by Josh, and driftwood baskets by Bob Bangs at A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store.
At Chetco Community Library Art Walkers enjoyed the "Big Wheels Turning" show by Dale Wells, Janeen Vick and other local artists who enjoy depicting vehicles.
Thomas and Taylor, singer songwriters, take a break as Dori Blodgett introduces the cast of the Lady Pirates of the Caribbean.
There was standing room only at the Library for the Lady Pirates of the Caribbean.
Dori Blodgett directed the cast from the sidelines while Bill Schlichting took photos
For a rousing good time, go see the entire show at the Brookings Harbor Community Theater.
97900 Shopping Center Ave., Harbor, OR
July 21-24 and 28-31
Thurs - Sat 7:30 pm and Sun 2 pm
Adults $10 -- Seniors $9 -- Students $7
Reservations: 541-469-4700
Tickets at Wright's, New Wave Video, Pacific Rim Copy Center - or at the door.