Are you up for a wild one? Our next show is a co-production with The Chetco Pelican Players in Brookings: the funhouse farce of drama and mystery, Fuddy Meers by David Lindsay-Abaire. Michael Fox directs a three weekend run – April 29 through May 15.
The story: Claire (Victoria Weller) has a rare form of amnesia. She wakes up every morning a blank slate. Her loving husband (Dale Giottonini) and obnoxious teenaged son (Travis Weaver) daily imprint the bare facts of her life (her name, her relations, her slippers). Today, trouble begins with a road trip. Claire is politely abducted by a limping man in a ski mask (Tommy Jones), who claims to be her brother trying to save her from her wicked husband.
It’s a bizarre roller coaster ride into a mysterious past, full of alarmingly odd characters. Claire’s mother, Gertie (Teri McGregor), though lucid, communicates in a kind of “stroke-talk,” Millet (Fox), a kindly but dimwitted thug, squabbles with his blabbermouth hand puppet, and Heidi (Leya Greenberg), is a victim of love with a badge and a gun.
Even as we laugh at the funny mirror reflections of distorted memories of family dysfunctions, we shiver at life’s absurd carnival.
The playwright walks a fine line between grave reality and joyous lunacy; the world of his plays is often dark, funny, blithe, enigmatic, hopeful, ironic –and somewhat cock-eyed. He says of Fuddy Meers, “Mad fun and genuine danger are wrapped around each other.”
Please note: Fuddy Meers is recommended for mature audiences, due to language and theme.
Where: The Chetco Playhouse, 1240 Chetco Avenue, Brookings, OR.
Dates: April 29, 30, May 1, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15.
Times: 7:30 on Friday and Saturday; 2:00 on Sunday.
Tickets: $10 for adults and $5 for older students.
Ticket Outlets: Chetco Pharmacy & Gifts, New Wave Video, tHE sALTY dOG, Wright’s Custom Framing, and at the door before showtime.
Phone: 541-469-1877 – For Reservations
Phone: 541-469-1857 – The Playhouse, for information.
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