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Happy Holidays! Only $10 - Local Brookings-Harbor fundraising calendar makes a great holiday gift! All scholarship fundraiser proceeds benefit high school students
through the Brookings-Harbor Lions Club college scholarship program.
The calendars feature beautiful photographs of local scenes by local photographers, and include local events as well as national holidays.
Get your 2011 Community Calendars
for only $10 each:
Fred Meyers: Brookings Sat, Nov. 20th 10am-4pm
Fred Meyers: Brookings Sat, Dec. 11th 10am-4pm
Lions Club Members will be there to serve you.
Brookings-Harbor Lions Club limited edition 2011 Community Calendars are also available at these participating locations:
Follow the Brookings-Harbor Lions Club community fundraiser program update at http://lionsdesignteam.tripod.com/calendar/2011calendar.html
The Pelican Bay Arts Association
invites you to a
5 Day
Watercolor Painting Workshop
Brookings, OR
September 12-16, 2011
Monday through Friday
Best Western Beachfront Inn
16008 Boat Basin Road
This will be a thorough workshop, with Tony doing a full sheet demonstration painting each morning, plenty of time for you to paint in the afternoon, and a critique at the end of the day of all the work done that day, each day.
He’ll unravel much of the “mystery” surrounding design while he shows you how to make your paintings fresh and crisp – and he’ll make color much simpler for you, too. Many students have said they have learned more in one day at one of these workshops than in four years of art school!
Tuition is $450 for the Five Days
$400 for members of PBAA
A $50 deposit will hold a spot for you in the workshop, or you may send in the whole amount, if you prefer. The remainder is due March 11. Please make checks payable to Pelican Bay Art Association.
No video cameras at the workshop, please. Still cameras OK
CANCELLATIONS: Tuition is fully refundable any time up to March 11. After that date there will be no refunds unless we can sell your spot to another student. If the workshop should cancel: Full tuition refund, but we are not responsible for non-refundable transportation costs.
Print an Application Form
Coordinator Verna Pooler has the answers:
(541) 412-9554
Email Verna: [email protected]
Aside from being the workshop site, the Best Western Beachfront Inn is also a nice place to stay, and they’re giving us a rate of $129.00 night ocean view or $169.00 ocean front for a room. Tell Reservations you’re with the “Tony Couch fine art Workshop. Reservations’ number is (541) 469-7779. Other places to stay: Wild River Motor Lodge. They are giving us a rate of $69.00 standard or deluxe at $75.00 including tax. Tell reservations’ number is (877) 469-5361 and mention “Tony Couch fine art Workshop”.
Brookings is a quiet village on the beautiful southern Oregon coast just north of the California border, and the Best Western Beachfront Inn is conveniently located just off scenic US 101.
If you’re flying:
Medford, OR (MFR) is the nearest major airport, 120 driving miles away. Out of the airport, get onto I-5 northbound, then take exit 55 onto US-199 westbound, then CA-197 to US-101.
Crescent City, CA (CEC) is 30 miles south of Brookings, OR. Out of the airport, head east to US-101,
If you’re driving:
Get on US 101 and head for the Oregon/California border. 5 miles north of the border is the town of Brookings, OR.
Traveling North: in Brookings, turn left off 101 onto W . Benham Lane, then in ½ mile turn left onto Boat Basin Rd. Best Western Beachfront Inn lies just ahead.
Traveling South: in Brookings, turn right off 101 onto W . Benham Lane, then in ½ mile turn left onto Boat Basin Rd. Best Western Beachfront Inn lies just ahead.
Southern Oregon Historical Society
Juried Holiday Art Show
December 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
Your Eligibility
Open to all artists. Original two-dimensional works featuring
landmarks, landscapes, buildings, and portraits that represent
Southern Oregon’s treasured past. All acceptable artwork includes alternative media, paintings, prints, drawing, photographs, papier colle, digital manipulation, fiber and other. We cannot accommodate sculptures in this exhibition.
Artists Promotions
Special Recognitions will be given at the juror's discretion at the reception on December 17, the amounts and number of which are determined by the entries and their quality. Specially recognized artists will be reviewed in the juror's statement, which will be sent in a press release to the regional media and posted on the Southern Oregon Historical Society website. A color brochure featuring all selected works will accompany the exhibit. One artist will be selected to have an individual show at the Southern Oregon Historical Society during the month of January 2011.
All works of art must be delivered to the Southern Oregon Historical Society Research Library, located at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, Tuesdays - Fridays between noon and 4 pm. Entry Fee A fee of $25 per artist for up to three works of art. Checks should be made out to Southern Oregon Historical Society.
Accepted Work
After work has been accepted, a substitution cannot be made nor a change in the sales prices or titles as stated on the application. Artwork must remain in the gallery for the entire exhibit. No early withdrawals. Works that are sold by the gallery will be marked so.
Not Accepted Work
Submissions not selected for exhibit must be picked up by November 30, 2010.
Juror Background
Stefan Baumann is one of America’s most trusted guides to painting on location. His appreciation for all things within nature came to fruition with The Grand View, a dynamic public television series that promotes environmental awareness and outdoor painting. Baumann has been featured in People magazine and his work included in the collections of the Rockefellers, Annenburgs, and former President Reagan. He also creates original works for Leanin' Tree Publications. He resides in Mt. Shasta. For more information on Mr. Baumann, visit www.thegrandview.org
All submissions must be for sale and must be listed with a retail value. Artists will receive 60% of the retail sales price.
Event Dates
November 24, 2010 Last day to drop off submissions
November 29, 2010 Notification by phone to all artists
November 30, 2010 Pick up of works not accepted
December 1, 2010 Exhibition opens
December 17, 2010 Third Friday Art Walk reception
December 31, 2010 Exhibit closes
January 4 - 7, 2011 Pick up of all works
Entry Checklist
___ Entry fee
___ Completed application form
Submitting an entry to this competition constitutes an agreement with all conditions. The Southern Oregon Historical Society assumes the right to photograph an accepted work for promotional purposes only.
Deliver to: Southern Oregon Historical Society Research Library 106 N. Central Avenue, Medford OR 97501
Name: __________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
City: __________________________________________________
State, Zip: _________ , ______________________________________
Phone: (_____) ____ - _________ cell phone (____) ____ - __________
Email: __________________________________________________
The following information should be securely attached to each entry:
Artist Name:_____________________________________________
Phone Number: (_____) ______-______________
Title: __________________________________________________
Medium: __________________________________________________
Size: Height:_________ Width:__________ Depth:__________
Price: __________________________________________________
The November Brookings Second Saturday Art Walk featured singing, dancing, a birthday party, limericks, and art demonstrations.
The cast of Oklahoma performed four musical numbers at Wrights Custom Framing.
The final performances are next weekend, November 19/20/21. There are a few ticktes left - tickets are available at Words and Pictures. $12/Adults, $10/Seniors, $7/Students.
Members of the Webfoot Weavers Guild demonstrated fiber arts at Words and Pictures.
Nina Paulsen at the keyboard at Words and Pictures.
Well known Oregon Wildlife Artist, Jeanne Warren, held a workshop at Manley Art Center from Friday through Sunday.
Sigrid Riddle (center) and the other workshop artists learned to paint a tiger
During the Art Walk Jeanne demonstrated painting a tiger in oil. Her demo was projected on screen so that everyone could see. Mike Rice has put together a video system for art demonstrations at Manley Art Center that everyone is excited about. No more huge mirror hanging down to bump your head on and the demo can be clearly seen from anywhere in the room. See more of Jeanne Warren's art at: www.jwarrenart.com.
Manley Art Center and Gallery is featuring a show this month called "Honoring Our Own". Portraits of members made by members. Carl Rovainen and Friends entertained during the Art Walk and took requests for favorite tunes that kept toes tapping.
Marshall Thompson on guitar at Brian Scott Gallery.
Here's the Birthday Boy. Horst Wolf celebrated his 80th birthday at Brian Scott Gallery, along with Leslie and the rest of Brookings. Ask who made the cake. It was FABULOUS! Christina Olsen fashioned a crown for Horst, which he proudly wore the rest of the evening.
Skylar Windham and Barbara Bauer performed two Argentine tangos for an enthusiastic crowd at Brian Scott Gallery.
Skylar and Barbara offer dance lessons in Brookings. See brookingstango.com. Email them at [email protected], or phone 541-661-6436.
Limericists Marj, Horst, and Katherine before the "show".
Rapp Brush on guitar at Dewey's Digs. The photography of Smith River photographer Kerry Clarke was on display.
The Limericists: from left, Elmo Williams, Marjorie Woodfin, Limericist King Bryan Skidmore, new Queen Katherine Benjamin, Bill Schlichting, Christina Olsen, and Horst Wolf. The group recited original "Holiday" limericks, then roundly roasted Horst.
Reigning Limericist Queen, Katherine Benjamin.
With all this royalty going around, SOMEONE'S got to be Queen Mother.
Okay, we know you're probably relieved that all the electioneering is finally over, but we need your help, and more importantly, your vote, one more time. And this time it's personal.
Yaquina Head Lighthouse in Newport is one of five finalists selected as the possible starting point for a new reality show, "No Way Home," starring CBS weatherman David Price of " The Early Show."
We're up against some pretty stiff competition from San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and Anchorage, but we Oregonians have never let our underdog status hold us down. We were in third place last week and rose to Number One over the weekend! We have a real opportunity to showcase the natural beauty and inherent generosity of The People's Coast to a national audience. But we need your vote to make it happen, and we need it now! Voting ends on November 10 at 12:00pm EST - less than 48 hours from now.
So cast your vote for Yaquina Head and the Oregon Coast. You are only able to vote once so please help us get the word out by sending an email or tweet your friends, post a Facebook alert, send an Instant Message, or make an old-fashioned phone call and help us rally to victory! We're The People's Coast of Oregon, and we approve this message.
The Stout Mountain Railway Club is looking for some artistic volunteers to help us create this layout. Will take 10 to 14 days to complete and then 14 days of operation. Open December 10th. Our aim is to start moving in on Thanksgiving weekend. The track has been bought, Thomas and Friends have arrived. Still waiting for Nole Pole Express. We also have two Bachmann Train sets to raffle off. One Thomas and the other Percy. Ho and N scale will also have a space in our layout. We have an outline of the layout that we will try to adhere to but creativity sometimes can't be planned. The room is huge so not a limitation. Instead of all the tables bunched together like last year we will spread the tables apart then bridge where we need to. We will create a mountain in the center or off center of the layout using old styrofoam packaging, glued, shaped,and painted. The layout will be multi level as high as we dare go.
If you know of a business or organization that would be interested in being a sponsor of the Stout Mountain Railway please pass along this information.
The season is only what you make of it so lets make it big!