The Second Saturday of October began with drizzles, but no rain fell on the Art Walk. Oktoberfest was in evidence all over town.
At A Wild Bird and Backyard General Store, Wendy Hammon demonstrated how she creates her lovely wreaths and other festive decorations.
At Signatures Gallery, Sandy Bonney showed us a pastel portrait she recently made of Albert Handell. Handell is one of the world's finest contemporary pastel artists. Sandy spent a week in his Mentoring Workshop in Eureka, California. Handell liked Sandy's portrait so much that he purchased it.
Bronze sculpture by Karon Walstad at Signatures Gallery.
Sandy Bonney with Jerry Moffit on the keyboard at Signatures Gallery during the Art Walk.
Tom Moody was showing at Creating Lasting Memories. Acrylics, watercolors and pen and ink art in a variety of styles. Tom hasn't been showing his work for several years and it was a very nice surprise.
Art Walk visitors enjoyed Tom Moody's work. Hope to see more of Tom at future Art Walks.
If you haven't been to Wright's since they moved into the space formerly occupied by Mory's, you are in for a surprise. This huge space feels like a very well organized and friendly mall for artists. There is an art supply store, a framing center, a gallery of Art By Dusanka Kralj, a newly refurbished classroom where art workshops will be held and Janeen Vick will hold her after school and summer art classes for kids, and a large gallery that is now occupied by the "Harley Bears" display, courtesy of Evergreen Bank.
"Bears on Harleys" is the theme of BearFest 2010 in Grants Pass. The sixteen fiberglass bears will be on display at Wrights (on their mostly inoperable bikes) until January 2011. In January they will return to the Bear Hotel in Grants Pass until BearFest 2011. BearFest is the creation of Evergreen Federal Bank. BearFest was held in 2003, 2004, 2005 and in 2010. Over 100 bears have been on public display. About half of them have been auctioned to raise more than $375,000 for local non-profits.
Female biker bear on a big bike.
Biker Bear with a Wild Boar passenger.
Billie Ruth Furuichi in her hand painted, silk, transformance booth - see it at Wrights.
Bill Schlichting, Curry Coastal Pilot Features Editor and Photographer, at Manley Art Center with Kelly Aldrich's painted cow.
Rapp Brush provided musical entertainment at Manley Art Center during the October Art Walk.
Crescent City artist, Garetta Lamore, was Manley's Artist of the Month. She demonstrated pastel portrait painting with Claudia Mach (dressed for Oktoberfest) as her model.
Manley Art Center now has a video and monitor (to replace the old drop down mirror) so that guests can watch the demonstrations comfortably.
Manley's theme for October is "All Things German"
Kelly Aldridge and Virginia Babbit. Kelly Aldrich painted this cow during her junior year at Brooking Harbor High. She was one of 30 selected to paint a cow for the National Lucerne Dairy Art of Moosic contest. The cow is 7' long, 4' high and weighs 110 pounds. During the October Art Walk the cow was auctioned, with the proceeds divided; 75% to Kelly's educational fund, 25% to Manley Art Center's Scholarship Fund. Virginia Babbit was the successful bidder at $550.
Audi Stanton is showing her new watercolors and mixed media at Words and Pictures this month.
The gallery was busy during Art Walk with visitors eager to see Audi's latest work.
Leslie Wolf''s work "Bavaria and Its People" is on display at Brian Scott Gallery.
Christina Olsen, just finishing her painting of the day, at Brian Scott Gallery.
Carl Rovainin and Friends, toe tapping at the Chetco Community Library.
The Arizona paintings of Pete Chasar are featured at the Library this month.
And some of Pete's fruit and floral works are also at the Library.
Dewey's Digs featured the work of the photographers whose work was included in the Lions Club 2011 Calendar.
There was a display of the calendar showing each month.
Representatives from the Lions Club sold copies of the 2011 Calendar. The photographers were on hand and kindly autographed their photographs in the calendars purchased by Art Walkers. Here Mureen Walker is signing a calendar for Ann Ostrowski.