Are you ready to see all the winners at Brookings Azalea Festival Art Show? I hope they are all here. If you know of one I missed, please send a photo and I'll post it specially. The art is arranged in alphabetical order according to the artists' first names - in other words, nearly random order. This show is sponsored by Manley Art Center in Brookings, Oregon.
Aimee-Bolender, 1st Place, Novice Photography
Ariel-Coleman, 2nd Place, Intermediate Acrylics
Arline-Saul, 1st Place, Advanced Other Media
Barbara Jervis, Honorable Mention, Advanced Watercolor
Betty Binns, 2nd Place, Advanced Oil
Bonnie Loewen, 1st Place, Advanced Acrylic
Bonnie Loewen, 2nd Place, Advanced Acrylic
Bonnie Loewen, 3rd Place, Advanced Acrylic
Bonnie Loewen, Honorable Mention, Advanced Acrylic
Buzz Stewart having his portrait made by Crescent City Artist, Garretta Lamore. Garretta was one of several PBAA artists who gave demonstrations during the two day Azalea Festival Art Show at Azalea Middle School.
Buzz Stewart, 2nd Place, Professional
Cathy Moore, Best of Novice and 1st Place Novice Watercolor
Cathy Moore, 2nd Place, Novice Watercolor
Charlie Jervis, 3rd Place, Advanced Photography
Charlie Jervis, Grand Marshall's Award
Cilde Grover, Honorable Mention, Advanced 3-Dimensional
You saw this cow at the Art Show last year and you're going to see this cow again soon. You will have the opportunity to bid on this cow and take it home with you. Watch for further announcements.
Delores Maillet and Cathy Moore taking votes for the People's Choice Award and answering questions during the show. Delores and Cathy were part of the team led by Bobbie Geney - and including Barbara Jervis, Mike Rice, and Mary Heflin, who put together this year's Azalea Festival Art Show. GREAT JOB!
Delores Maillet, 1st Place, Other Media
Doreen Brown, Honorable Mention, Intermediate Acrylic
Doreen Brown, 3rd Place, Intermediate Acrylic
Everett Carpenter, 3rd Place, Novice 3-Dimensional Art
Everett Carpenter, Honorable Mention, Novice 3-Dimensional
George Cady, 3rd Place, Advanced Other
George Cady, Azalea Queen's Award
George Rowbottom, 1st Place, Intermediate Acrylic
Herbert Hedgpety, 1st Place, Advanced 3-Dimensional
Joan Eddy, 3rd Place, Advanced 3-Dimensional
Art by Brookings Harbor High School Students
1st Place, High School Division
Isamu Furuichi, Patriotic Award and 2nd Place Novice 3-Dimensional
Jane Opiat, 1st Place, Novice 3-Dimensional
Jill Maschmeyer, 3rd Place, Novice Watercolor
Jill Maschmeyer, Honorable Mention, Novice Watercolor
Jill Pate, 2nd Place, Novice Photography
Joan Eddy, 2nd Place, Advanced 3-Dimensional
Joseph Bruner, Pioneer's Award and Honorable Mention, Intermediate Oil
Joseph Bruner, 2nd Intermediate Oil
July Wolfe, 3rd Place, Advanced Watercolor
Julie Campbell, 1st Place, Intermediate 3-Dimensional
Julie Campbell, 2nd Place, Intermediate 3-Dimensional
Karen Berry, 1st Place, Advanced Oil
Karen Berry, 3rd Place, Advanced Oil
Kids After School Art Classes - taught by Janeen Vick, sponsored by Manley Art Center
Kids After School Art Classes - taught by Janeen Vick, sponsored by Manley Art Center
Kids After School Art Classes - taught by Janeen Vick, sponsored by Manley Art Center
Lee Beising, 2nd Place, Advanced Watercolor
Linda Steele, Honorable Mention, Advanced Oil
Lorelei Hanna showing an oil painting she completed as a demonstration during the Azalea Art Show
Lorelei Hanna, 2nd Place, Intermediate Watercolor
Lorraine Sigourney, 2nd Place, Intermediate Photography
Lorraine Sigourney, Honorable Mention, Intermediate Photograhy
Marjorie Buck, 3rd Place, Intermediate Watercolor
Mary Heflin, 2nd Place, Advanced Other Media
Maryjane Carlson, Honorable Mention, Professional 3-Dimensional
Patricia Bisgrove, 3rd Place, Novice Photography
Patricia Bisgrove, Honorable Mention, Novice Photography
Patricia Bisgrove, Virginia Manley Award
Sarah Logan, 3rd Place, Professional
Sigrid Riddle, 1st Place, Intermediate Oil
Sigrid Riddle, 3rd Place, Intermediate Oil
Susie Wright, 1st Place, Intermediate Photography
Susie Wright, 3rd Place, Intermediate Photography
Verna Pooler, 1st Place, Intermediate Watercolor
Virginia Babbitt, 1st Place, Professional
Yvonne Peterson, 1st Place, Advanced Photography
Lee Beising, BEST OF SHOW and 1st Place in Advanced Watercolor
Do you have a photo you like that was taken during the Azalea Festival Art Show? Or the Quilt Show? Email your photos to [email protected] and they will be posted.