According to the local newspaper "A heard of 20 artist-decorated bears arrived in Brookings Friday..." I've been puzzling over that for more than a day now... and I still don't get it. At first I thought maybe they had misspelled "herd", but bears don't herd, and a group of bears is called a "sloth" or "sleuth". So what clever twist of words is going over my head?
Whatever you call it, the group of bears camping out behind Evergreen Federal was delightful. This week each bear will go out on its own to a location on Chetco Avenue and winter there through mid-January. Look for them between Pacific Avenue and Oak Street. One bear will remain at Evergreen Federal and participate in a silent auction to benefit the Brookings-Harbor Community Helpers Food Share Program.
These larger-than-life bears have been decorated by southern Oregon artists.
The bears have interrupted their hibernation at the Bear Hotel in Grants Pass to spend the winter at the sea shore in Brookings.
The Bear Hotel is a warehouse, owned by Evergreen Federal Bank, that is also home to Artist decorated toy soldiers (picture 11' tall nutcrackers) and DOORS depicting famous Oregon scenes painted by local artists. For a tour call 541-479-3351.
The indomitable Bette Sherbourne demonstrated and showed her art at The WildBird and Backyard General Store. Merri Cook, co-owner of the store joined her.
Jack Cook, the other co-owner of The Wildbird and Backyard General Store, offered champagne and finger foods to guests.
Artist of the Month at Manley Art Center, Brenda Stafford, posed with her gorgeous watercolor florals and her husband, Bob, who makes all of Brenda's beautiful oak frames.
Jim McCarten, also Artist of the Month at Manley, demonstrated his unique handling of oil paint. You will see Jim's large to very large canvasses around town at various businesses.
Giraffes on a Raft performed in the Gallery at Manley.
Keith Sluder discussed his upcoming workshops at Manley Art Center. Three two-day workshops are planned for November. Only a few spots are still available. Contact Manley at 541-469-1807 or stop by to sign up.
Over at Signatures Gallery (where Keith Sluder's work is currently showing) Sandy Bonny discussed an artist's work with visitors. Signatures is showing Drew Struzan's latest prints and work by Jan Kunz. They also have an exclusive greeting card collection of the gallery's artwork.
An Opening for Christina Olsen at Brian Scott's Gallery! No wonder I can't get in the door. But if I push past the musicians and hold the camera as high as I can -- what does it see? Oh yes, there's Christina... to find her start with Sara Broderick in the front wearing blue, go right to Horst Wolf in the white shirt, then right again to Billie Ruth Furuichi in the silk multi-colored gown, then back to Leslie Wolf in grey and white, and behind her slightly to the left is Christina Olsen - directly behind Leslie in the far back is Dorothy Power... who else can you find? Aren't these little cameras wonderful! I couldn't see any of these people.
I finally made it to the front - or is that the back? - where I could see more than just the top of the head of the truffle maker... being introduced by Horst.
Bonnie Bremer demonstrated Japanese Sumi-e Art at Creating Lasting Memories and helped a novice with a brush stroke.
Dewey's Digs featured a beautiful photography show by Larry and Betty Depee from Crescent City.
Lon Goddard and Aura Wright performed at Wrights Custom Framing where the watercolors of Janis Parker are showing. Janis was unable to attend, but her work can be seen at Wrights throughout October.
Formerly known as the Cave in the Alley, then the Firefly, Wright's Gallery Downunder shows multiple artists during each Art Walk - including painters, photographers, musicians and more...
Visitors to Wrights Downunder were quick to avoid photographers... but seemed to be enjoying the art, refreshments, and music.
The Webfood Weavers Guild put on a great show called "Natural Fiber Creations" and demonstrated their craft at Words and Pictures.
Spinning... and what magic is she doing with that plumb bob device?
Look who escaped the sloth for a little Plein Air Painting behind the Pilot... my favorite bears!
Final Stop... Art Alley Grill for the best sea scallops in Oregon... possibly the best in the universe but I have a few more places to try before I can say that for sure.