It seemed like all of Brookings was out for the beautiful, balmy, January evening. The South Coast Humane Society was our first stop... WHAT? The Humane Society on an Art Walk? There was standing room only - more accurately there was only room to politely excuse yourself and push through the crowd.
Destiny Schwartz (right in photo) completed a mural for the building. Dog and cat paintings by Jean Beebe and others were on display. Billie Ruth Furuichi (with her face painted as a cat) entertained on guitar.
The real stars of the evening were the cats. Here Destiny is teaching three novices to paint. The facility is full of loving cats that purr and rub against their enclosures when a human comes near. Call the Society at 541-412-0325 to adopt one of these beautiful cats.
Over on Art Walk Alley at Dewey's Digs, Yvonne Peterson put on a gorgeous photography exhibit.
Surrounded by Yvonne's photos, Carl Rovainen and Friends played and the BIGS serenaded us.
Next door at The Cave in the Alley, Horst and friends entertained while we enjoyed the abstract art of Gold Beach artist Lorraine Filipone.
Guest drummer Bill Brader came up with a new name for Horst's band
Lorraine Filipone discussing her work with an admirer.
Last stop on Art Walk Alley, Brian Scott's Dungeon
Kathy Huxley lit up the "Dungeon" with her beautiful oils. And the beautiful music floating down from above....
came from Upstairs at Brian Scott's Gallery where Rogue River Jam entertained.
At Signatures Gallery the conversations were lively. Joseph Tonini spoke about his latest book "The Alphabet; Drawings and History".
At Wrights Janeen Vick and Dale Wells tried to stay out of the picture - Hey, you are the artists -- we want to see you! You can see Janeen's latest paintings this month at Wrights Custom Framing.
Dale Wells latest "car" is showing at Manley Art Center.
This is a LARGE and beautiful painting that you'll want to see in person.
January Artists of the Month at Manley Art Center are Len and Violet Burton.
Violet is showing her recent photographs at Manley Art Center all of January.
Len Burton (center) is showing his recent oils at Manley during January. Here he discusses his art with guests. Rapp Brush entertained on guitar.
The work of Manley Art Center's Tuesday Painters is on display at Chetco Community Library this month.
PBAA President Bobbie Geney talked about the history of Manley Art Center and then passed around abstract watercolor paintings for the audience to "find" images in.
It's amazing to watch what people "find" in these abstract watercolor washes.
Here's more of Kathy Huxley's work at the Library.
Lorelei Hanna and Sharon Guinn are also "Tuesday Painters".
Karen Berry is showing several pieces at the Library.
Stop by the Chetco Library during January to see the work of all of the Tuesday Painters.
An exhibit titled "Acrylic and Cotton" - paintings by Pete Chasar and quilts by Diana Chasar can be seen at Words and Pictures this month. More on that in a later post.