Actually the musicians were all indoors and out of the pouring rain. The rest of us dashed from venue to venue and it was well worth braving a few drops of water.
At Manley Art Center Sara Broderick (artist and art instructor) demonstrated how she paints those beautiful, LARGE, flowers.
One of the highlights in the Gallery at MAC this month is the Honoring Wisdom Exhibit.
PBAA artists visited three local retirement facilities this fall where some of the residents modeled for portraits. The results are on display at Manley Art Center and include watercolors, oils, pastels, and pencil drawings.
December Artists of the Month at MAC are Barbara Jervis and Bobbie Geney.
Barb Jervis, First Vice President of PBAA, with her watercolors and oils.
Bobbie Geney, President of PBAA, with her pastels.
Now a quick dash through the rain to the Official Opening of "Dewey's Digs" (named for Dewey Akers who founded the local newspaper). The Pilot's conference room on the alley is now an official Art Walk venue for photography. Former Pilot editor and publisher Dick Keusink spoke at the opening ceremony and his wife Polly entertained with a historical limerick.
Horst Wolf, appropriately wearing an official Brookings Art Walk Sweatshirt, thanked the Pilot for supporting the Art Walk and for actively participating.
The Nuncrackers (Pelican Players) entertained at the new Dewey's Digs with selections from their current production (musical comedy in case that isn't obvious).
The Limericists then gave the new venue their blessing. Bill Schlichting (second from right) is the Photographer of the Month and his work is displayed on both sides of the room.
Next door at the Cave in the Alley, Tammy Walker displayed her watercolor paintings and demonstrated her "dripping" wet technique. Horst and Friends kept the mood lively with contemporary jazz.
Across Art Walk Alley at Words and Pictures, Buzz Stewart was busy in the art gallery where a show of small to miniature paintings is on exhibit.
And Pat Stewart handled the bustle in the Book Store.
The rain had subsided so we decided to see what was happening up on Chetco Avenue.
At Wrights Custom Framing, the Fine Art Photography of Virginia Babbitt is showing. Lon Goddard and Aura Wright entertained. The chocolate chip cookie plate was shrinking, but still impressive. Yes, that's Susie behind the counter.
Destiny Schwartz greeted guests at Eye For Art where her latest creations are on display.
Karina and Marco entertained Eye for Art guests with Italian Cafe music.
Look who's showing at Signatures!
Christina Olsen is showing her latest pottery creations exclusively at Signatures Gallery.
At Centre Stage -- that's Bette Sherbourne enjoying the music of A3 with a friend. Artists currently showing at Centre Stage include Bette Sherbourne, Christina Olsen, and Bev Mullis.
OK, yes, we missed a couple of venues... but you can check Horst Wolf's Website to see if he has them covered. I don't know how he does it along with giving speeches and playing music during the art walk.