The gracious and graceful Chinese Artist Lihua Zhao greeted visitors to Signatures Gallery where her exquisite art is featured.
Also at Signatures Gallery, Sandy Bonney gave a talk on "good art" and offered some words of wisdom for anyone interested in purchasing art. Simply put - Good art is what YOU like! Sandy advises:
If you are looking at pieces of art work and you come upon that one piece that instantly connects with you at the visceral level, you had better seriously think about acquiring it! A week passes you still remember it. Go back and look at it again. Does it look as good as you remember? What was it that attracted you? The color, composition, subject matter?
If you are buying for an investment look for recognized artists that will become or remain popular. Look for small (less than 50 total in a series) reproductions. Make sure the quality is good. Sandy's recommendation - don't buy for investment, buy because YOU like it.
Don't listen to the critics, your friends or your mother. Don't worry if it doesn't match your couch or walls. The art will last much longer than your furniture or wall color. If you don't like the frame, it can always be re-framed. You are making an investment in something that will sooth your soul and give you enjoyment for years to come.
Sandy Bonney with one of her own recent works.
Sara Broderick demonstrated and discussed her art and teaching at Wright's (Brookings new art and framing business located next door to The Pilot). You'll want to visit Wrights to see all that they have to offer.
Lorraine Fillipone celebrated at Eye for Art where her art is hanging along with that of Dusanka Kralj and Barbara Kennedy.
Lorraine Fillipone's large abstract work glows with meticulously applied gold leaf. Rapp Brush entertained during the Art Walk.
After showing her studio all day during Brookings Art Studio Tour, Audi Stanton arrived at Chetco Library with her painting supplies and demonstrated how she creates some of her wonderful, glowing, watercolor skies.
The crowd was fascinated and some signed up for Audi's fall watercolor classes. If you'd like to try a watercolor class, phone Audi at 541-412-7948.
Also at the Library, Dori Blodget held a "Paint Along" for kids of all ages --- Bill Schlichting from the Pilot put aside his camera and enthusiastically took up a brush.
On my way to Words and Pictures I ran into Pete Chasar, whose talk there on advertising art I managed to miss... but I was in luck... Pete opened his portfolio and I got to see some of the wonderful and clever work he did during his advertising career. Pete Chasar's and Audi Stanton's work is featured at Words and Pictures this month.
Two beautiful, recent watercolors by Buzz Stewart at Words and Pictures.