1 Signatures Gallery: Ducan Regehr, Drew Struzan, Maggie Price, Lihua Zhao, Ken Auster/Greg Noll, Jan Kunz, Joe Tonini, Sandy Bonney; Animusic with Jeramey James
2 Eye for Art: New Abstracts by Dusanka Kralj; Lon Goddard/Aura Wright (guitar/vocals)
3 Pieces of Time Gallery and Framing: Julianne Livingston's latest creations; Darren Kuykendall (keyboard/vocals). 5 pm - Acid Staining and Engraving demo by Julianne Livingston.
4 Manley Art Center: Deborah Dudley & Gordon Marsters; Gallery themes "Dancing" and "Frames"; The Ramblers (violin/guitar/vocals) followed by Carl Rovainen.
5 Words and Pictures: Photography of Bill Ferry; Nina Paulsen (keyboard). 5:30 pm - "Fifteen Minutes of Fame" by Clif Siples of Nesika Beach.
6 Chetco Library: Gallery - "Crescent City Shows its Stuff"; Showcase "Cobalt Blue Collectibles"; Tom Broderick (keyboard). 6 pm - The Crescent City Cello Trio (S. Wakefield, J. Haley, G. Lamore); 6:30 pm - Concert Selections from the Romantic Era by Christie Dolan (piano).
7 Central Gallery: "Whimsical Art by the Brookings 3", Damien Hawthorne (abstracts); Horst Wolf & Friends (Contemporary jazz). 4:15 pm - The Limericists expound on "X-mas Past"; 4:30 pm - The B.I.G.s sing your favorites.
8 Diamond Electronics: "Selected Images from 2007" on wide-angle TV screens; Billie Ruth (guitar/vocals)
9 Banana Belt Music Co: New paintings of "Musicians & Musical Instruments"; Rapp Brush (guitar/vocals) then Perry Devine (guitar/vocals)
10 Summit Real Estate: “Maritime Watercolors” by Dale Wells; Saun & Steve (guitar/vocals) then Billie Ruth (guitar/vocals)