The Inagural Art Roll in Gold Beach drew crowds to every gallery
Gold Beach, Oregon was a festival of food, music, and art on August 25. Buses rolled from one gallery to the next, taking viewers to enjoy the art, entertainment and refreshments at seven local venues.
At South Beach Gallery visitors saw demonstrations by Vatican painter, Kelli Ryan and Illustrator, Jim Dickerson.
Sara Dee Broderick's mermaids swam, swung, and danced over the walls at Pieces of Time Gallery, while Rogue River Jam provided entertainment.
Carol Salin discussed becoming a photographer, and folk musician and classical guitarist, Steve Berman played for the crowd at Picture This Gallery .
Horst Wolf performed at the Biscuit Gallery, and limericists entertained with novel humor. The work of numerous local artists was on display.
Lihua Zhao donated a painting that was raffled at Biscuit Gallery for the benefit of The First Presbyterian Church which burned last fall.
Paul Renner & Tom Broderick provided music and the Ellensburg Theater performed short readings as viewers enjoyed refreshments and art at Gray Whales Gallery.

There was a Sing Along at Rogue's Gallery, while Dauna Roberts demonstrated watercolor painting.
The atmosphere was Bohemian at Magda Studio - great food and drink, music, vocals by Suzanne Brewer, and lots of wonderful art by Magda Druzdzel.